Rona Anderson Queens Cross Housing Association has appointed a new director of property, enterprise and regeneration.
Queens Cross Housing Association
Elie Harerimana outside his new flat at Queens Cross’s recently completed Leny Street development Tenants have now moved into 76 newly built homes for rent in the Firhill area of Glasgow.
A new pilot project is set to reduce the amount of applications social housing applicants have to fill out in the Glasgow area. Eventually encompassing all housing organisations in the city, the Glasgow Housing Register (GHR) has initially started as a pilot in the north west of Glasgow with 13 hous
Marilyn Clewes Queens Cross Housing Association has announced that building more than 600 new affordable homes is a top priority over the next three years.
Queens Cross tenant Aminat Adeoye (right) and family taking a look around the new showflat Tenants are being showcased the upcoming results of a £16 million refurbishment of three of Glasgow’s last remaining high rises.
Jamie Ballantine Cultural and social regeneration experts have been appointed to leading roles on the Board of SURF – Scotland’s Regeneration Forum.
A woman who has been serving the North Glasgow community for over 40 years and another who has worked tirelessly in the PossilPark area for over 15 years have both been named Community Champions by Partick Thistle Football Club. Sadie Gordon is a retired youth and community health worker, but she li
Scottish Fire and Rescue’s Gary Canning checks out Queens Cross tenants’ Hugh McCann and Daisy Woo’s CPR technique Around 100 staff and tenants of Queens Cross Housing Association are being trained up in CPR (Cardio Pulmonary Resuscitation) skills in a bid to improve cardiac arrest survival ra
Queen’s Cross Housing Association has been recognised as one of the best in the country for its commitment to investment, repairs excellence and tenant welfare. The Maryhill-based Association has been ‘highly commended’ in the ‘Outstanding Landlord of the Year’ category at the UK Housing E
(from left) Shona Stephen, chief executive, Queens Cross Housing Association; Roger Popplewell, chair, Maryhill Housing; Marilyn Clewes, chair, Queens Cross Housing Association; Bryony Willett, chief executive, Maryhill Housing A new strategic partnership has been launched which aims to provide cost
Audrey Simpson Ardenglen Housing Association has announced that Audrey Simpson, the current head of regeneration & digital business at Queens Cross Housing Association, will take over as the new chief executive of Ardenglen at the beginning of June.
Kevin Scarlett Eighteen housing associations in Scotland - including the Haymarket Group of associations - have agreed to take part in a sector scorecard pilot to benchmark a range of business health and efficiency measures.
Head of technical services Peter O'Brien and director of neighbourhood services Louise Smith celebrate the award of a new repairs contract to P&D Scotland, a decision influenced by HouseMark data Queens Cross Housing Association has seen top annual performance against peers in repairs and void m
Queens Cross Housing Association staff on LGBT Youth’s Purple Friday, part of their commitment to being an inclusive organisation Queens Cross Housing Association has jumped 82 places in this year’s Stonewall Workplace Equality Index, a UK-wide benchmarking tool for lesbian, gay, bi and trans (L
Queens Cross Housing Association chief exeuctive Shona Stephen celebrates the nomination Queens Cross Housing Association has been shortlisted for Outstanding Landlord of the Year at this year’s UK Housing Awards.