The Scottish Housing Regulator has published a revised engagement plan for Cadder Housing Association following its appointment of an interim senior officer.
Scottish Housing Regulator
The Scottish Housing Regulator (SHR) has completed the voluntary deregistration of Arklet Housing Association.
Some tenants in Scotland are struggling to manage their housing costs and wider finances, according to new research from the Scottish Housing Regulator. The report brings together feedback from the National Panel of Tenants and Service Users. The feedback suggests an upward trend in the financ
The Scottish Housing Regulator has reduced the number of statutory appointments at Fairfield Housing Co-operative after "good progress" was made by the landlord. The Regulator appointed a manager and seven members to the governing body in December 2018 after it identified serious weaknesses in
The Scottish Housing Regulator (SHR) has ended its statutory intervention at Ruchazie Housing Association following a series of improvements at the landlord. Ruchazie has been in statutory engagement since March 2018 when the Regulator used its statutory powers to appoint a manager and four members
The Scottish Housing Regulator has published an updated corporate plan and a summary of what it will do this year which take account of the impact of COVID-19 on its work and the operating environment for social landlords. The update to the corporate plan, which covers the period to March
A new engagement plan from the Scottish Housing Regulator which highlights improvements at Yoker Housing Association has been largely welcomed by the landlord, though concerns have been raised regarding the appearance of "misleading" wording contained in the plan.
Parkhead Housing Association is to commission a full and independent investigation after a previous review highlighted a range of breaches in a number of its policies. In April this tear, Parkhead commissioned an independent investigation to undertake a review of the process of recruitment and appoi
Having ended its statutory intervention at Dalmuir Park Housing Association (DPHA) in March last year, the Scottish Housing Regulator (SHR) has now formally absolved the landlord of the need to provide any further assurances about its governance. The Regulator placed the Association in high engageme
The Scottish Housing Regulator has reported a fall in the number of people who applied to local authorities as homeless during August but the number of households in temporary accommodation and rent arrears owed to social landlords both increased. Information published in the Regulato
The Scottish Housing Regulator has praised the finances of Scotland’s social housing sector but warned that homelessness and tenant safety will continue to be a challenge as social landlords face the risks from COVID-19. In a wide-ranging speech at yesterday's virtual Social Housing&
Langstane Housing Association has progressed a "substantial programme of improvement" to ensure compliance with regulatory standards, a new engagement plan has revealed. The Scottish Housing Regulator has been engaging with Langstane over the last two years as it addressed weaknesses in its app
The Scottish Housing Regulator has extended the deadlines for landlords to complete their Annual Assurance Statement and Scottish Social Housing Charter reports. The new adjustments to its regulatory approach in response to the COVID-19 pandemic follow consultation with landlords
The number of empty homes let by social landlords increased by more than 76% in July when compared to the previous month, new data from the Scottish Housing Regulator has revealed. July’s monthly dashboard report showed that lets to people who are homeless increased by around 28%, and when add
Faifley Housing Association has commissioned two major reviews to address concerns raised in a comprehensive independent review carried out earlier this year, the Scottish Housing Regulator (SHR) has revealed. A revised engagement plan for Faifley Housing Association published this week reveale