
376-390 of 528 Articles
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Holyrood's local government and communities committee will continue to examine the Planning (Scotland) Bill today as it hears evidence from organisations from the country’s builders and planners. Tammy Swift-Adams, director of planning, Homes for Scotland, Jenny Hogan, deputy chief executive, Scot

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David Stewart The Scottish Federation of Housing Associations (SFHA) has called on the Planning (Scotland) Bill to put in place a system to deliver a longer-term increased supply of affordable housing – beyond the lifetime of the current parliament.

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The Scottish Federation of Housing Associations (SFHA) has responded to the Scottish Government’s Fuel Poverty Strategy consultation by calling for it to show more ambition and commit to ending fuel poverty sooner. A government consultation on proposals to set a target to reduce fuel poverty to un

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(from left) Young Queens Cross residents Charmaine Campbell, TK Maskume, Jordana Bashir, and James Mitchell help launch the new £10,000 Community Chest fund A new £10,000 fund has been set up to help lift young people in north west Glasgow out of poverty.

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(from left) Sarah Boyack, SFHA head of public affairs; John Ratcliffe, manger, Trussell Trust’s Glasgow City Centre Foodbank; and Elaine Mulgrew, SFHA head of finance and corporate services In response to the continued effects of welfare reform on some of Scotland’s poorest and most vulnerable p

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Derek Mackay A £756 million contribution to the Scottish Government’s target of delivering 50,000 affordable homes by 2021 and an increase of £138.9m for the More Homes Programme were amongst the investment plans set out in the 2018-19 Draft Budget by finance secretary Derek Mackay.

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Extra funding of a billion pounds over the next three years is needed to address the gap of funding that exists in social care in Scotland today, MSPs heard this week. Scottish Care told the Scottish Parliament’s health and sport committee inquiry into care home sustainability that care homes are

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Maryhill staff members (from left) James Ledger, Marie Little, Cheryl Cunningham and Christopher Duff with the food collected by the entire team Staff at Maryhill Housing have delivered the perfect early Christmas present to families in need with a bumper food bank boost.

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The Scottish Government has been urged to take concerted action to eliminate fuel poverty altogether after new figures revealed that the overall level amongst Scottish households is down about four percentage points in a year, equivalent to 99,000 fewer households living in fuel poverty. Statistics

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The UK government has announced significant changes to Universal Credit including scrapping the seven day waiting period before a person can apply. In the Autumn Budget announcement yesterday Chancellor Philip Hammond responded to the increasing pressure from MPs, charities and the housing sector by

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Delegates at the Eydent Housing Conference Over 100 delegates from Ayrshire RSLs were joined for the third Eydent Housing Conference by colleagues from Ayrshire local authorities, as well as RSLs from Renfrewshire and Glasgow.

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The Scottish Federation of Housing Associations (SFHA) and several of its members will be part of a 9,000-strong crowd that will sleep in the cold for one night in Edinburgh’s Princes Street Gardens in aid of Social Bite’s Sleep in the Park. The mission of the event is to create a movement to er

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Sarah Boyack The Scottish Federation of Housing Associations (SFHA) has welcomed moves to enshrine the Scottish Government’s proposed new fuel poverty target in legislation but said that more investment is required to make the ambition a reality.

376-390 of 528 Articles