The Scottish Campaign on Welfare Reform (SCoWR) has written to political candidates across Scotland to ask them to commit to using new powers to create a fairer social security system. Set up in 2006 to highlight the concerns of a diverse coalition of organisations in Scotland about the UK governmen
Harry McGuigan New guidance has been issued to support the development of Housing Options approaches in Scotland’s local authorities.
Margaret Burgess Minister for housing and welfare Margaret Burgess MSP will mark the start of Scottish Apprenticeship Week 2016 (February 29–4 March) by launching a national challenge for housing apprentices.
The Scottish Federation of Housing Associations (SFHA) has called on political parties to acknowledge that investing in housing is vital for the nation’s health and wellbeing. In the run up to May’s Scottish Parliament elections, the organisation has outlined five key requests for the next Scott
Kay Blair Scottish Housing Regulator chair, Kay Blair, will today tell the SFHA chairs’ conference about the importance of strong leadership in landlords.
Mary Taylor The Scottish Federation of Housing Associations (SFHA) is calling on the UK government to urgently rethink upcoming changes to Housing Benefit which could cost the social housing sector hundreds of millions of pounds a year and put the health and wellbeing of vulnerable tenants at risk.
Margaret Burgess Subsidy levels for affordable homes for rent being delivered by councils and registered social landlords (RSLs) are to increase up to £14,000 for each new home over the next three years, the Scottish Government has announced.
Senior figures from across the housing sector have united in opposition to proposals in the UK Immigration Bill which they fear risk “significant harm” to “deeply vulnerable people”. The Scottish Association of Landlords, Shelter Scotland, Homeless Action Scotland and the Scottish Federation
The number of children in temporary accommodation in Scotland has increased since last year but the number of people assessed as homeless has fallen, new figures have revealed. According to quarterly data from the Scottish Government, there are now 4,923 children in temporary accommodation - an incr
Ken Macintosh Scottish Labour has pledged to build 60,000 affordable homes if it wins power in May’s Holyrood election.
John Swinney The Scottish Government has announced a year-year increase of £90 million to its affordable housing budget to help it achieve its target of delivering 50,000 affordable homes during the next parliament.
The Scottish Government’s draft budget must show significant investment in energy efficiency as a National Infrastructure Priority to end the scourge of cold, leaky homes, according to a number of organisations. The call by CPAG Scotland, RCN Scotland, SCDI and the Existing Homes Alliance follows
(from left) Lord Kirkwood of Kirkhope, Eilidh Whiteford MP and Keith Anderson, chair of CIH Scotland Scottish parliamentarians from the House of Commons and House of Lords joined representatives from the Chartered Institute of Housing (CIH) Scotland for a special Scottish housing reception at the Pa
Mary Taylor The Scottish Federation of Housing Associations (SFHA) has called for housing to be fully involved in the future integration of health and social care services in Scotland.
Margaret Burgess The Scottish Government has surpassed its target of delivering 30,000 affordable homes in this parliamentary term thanks to a 10 per cent increase in the number of social sector homes completed in the past year, new figures have revealed.