Margaret Burgess The Scottish Government’s new target for social and affordable housing supply for the next five years means the focus will now turn quickly to the sector’s capacity to deliver, says the Glasgow and West of Scotland Forum of Housing Associations.
Mary Taylor Commenting on the announcement by the Scottish Government that it has exceeded its five-year target of delivering 30,000 affordable homes by March 2016, the Scottish Federation of Housing Associations (SFHA) said that this is very welcome news, but highlighted the recent research report
Mary Taylor Commenting on the DWP’s Housing Benefit caseload statistics which show that the City of Glasgow Area has the highest number of ‘bedroom tax’ cases in the UK at 12,443, the Scottish Federation of Housing Associations (SFHA) said that it hoped the new powers offered in the Scotland B
Ian Brennan, the Regulator’s director of finance & risk The Scottish Housing Regulator has stressed the key role of auditors in registered social landlords' (RSL) risk management and compliance with regulatory standards.
Nicola Sturgeon First minister Nicola Sturgeon has made an early election commitment to embark on a £3 billion programme to build 50,000 new affordable homes in Scotland if the SNP were to win a third term next May.
(from left) Mary Taylor (chief executive of SFHA), Graeme Brown (director of Shelter Scotland) and Annie Mauger (executive director of the Chartered Institute of Housing in Scotland) The level of need for affordable housing in Scotland is double what is currently being delivered, according to a new
The Scottish Federation of Housing Associations (SFHA) has called for Scotland’s affordable housing target to be increased in order to meet housing need across the country. Responding to the latest housing statistics, which show that the Scottish Government is on track to meet its five-year target
Nile Istephan The Scotland Bill has the potential to enable social landlords to support and transform tenants’ lives though sections of the it fail to meet the “spirit or substance” of the Smith Commission, according to the Scottish Federation of Housing Associations (SFHA).
An annual report into the tenure of Scottish households has renewed calls from across the sector for an “urgent need” for more affordable homes. Results from the Scottish Household Survey 2014 found that the social rented sector has declined from 32 per cent of all households in 1999 to 24 per c
Homelessness levels in Scotland could rise as part of a Scottish Government drive to crack down on overcrowded houses, charities and housing chiefs have warned. As reported in The Scotsman, the concerns have been prompted over the introduction of Overcrowding Statutory Notices (OSN) aimed at guardin
Steve Delaney from SFHA’s board of directors presenting Kathryn Taylor with a certificate Berwickshire Housing Association (BHA) modern apprentice Kathryn Taylor has successfully completed this year’s Scottish Federation of Housing Associations (SFHA) Apprentice Challenge.
Mary Taylor The chief executive of the Scottish Federation of Housing Associations (SFHA) has said new welfare changes could be as devastating to the sector as the bedroom tax.
George Osborne The UK government's commitment to 1 per cent annual rent reductions in the social rented sector will negatively affect affordable housebuilding, according to independent analysis.
SFHA CEO Mary Taylor is one of the letter's signatories Thirteen of Scotland’s leading charities have appealed to the UK government to find new ways of reducing public spending ahead of £12 billion in additional cuts to the welfare bill in next week’s emergency budget.
Nick Williams Castlehill Housing Association’s longest serving committee member Dr Nick Williams is to leave the Association after 28 years of service.