There were 17,504 social housing sales throughout England in 2023-24, a 28% decrease on the previous year, new social housing sales and demolitions data published by the Ministry of Housing, Communities & Local Government has shown.
Uk & International
The future of housebuilder Crest Nicholson is at risk if a worst-case scenario for sales volumes, house prices and build costs materialises in the coming months, the developer has warned investors.
Amid ongoing reforms to England’s private rented sector, Prof Ken Gibb explores Ben Cooper’s call for a new housing quality standard to tackle the crisis of substandard rental homes. Against the backdrop of the legislation moving through Westminster to reform the private rented sector in
Record homelessness levels are placing the finances of English local authorities under unsustainable pressure, a report by Westminster's Public Accounts Committee (PAC) has revealed.
A landmark report has been published that sets out a comprehensive plan to tackle England’s housing crisis, including three reforms which would alone provide 100,000 affordable homes. While the housing crisis in major cities traditionally dominates headlines, the report from the District Counc
Years of financial strain have forced councils across England to reduce their maintenance of council homes, cancel new build projects and even sell off existing housing stock, according to new research by Southwark Council.
The Housing Ombudsman has ordered Sage Homes to conduct an independent review which found failings in Sage Home’s approach to addressing vulnerabilities and safeguarding concerns. The review followed an Ombudsman investigation that found the landlord failed to adequately address a residents&rs
Spain's Prime Minister has unveiled plans to impose a tax of up to 100% on the value of properties bought by non-residents from countries outside the EU.
New changes to the Renters’ Rights Bill will provide even greater home security to renters in England after the landmark legislation returned to Parliament yesterday.
Substantial investment in existing homes has weakened England's social housing sector’s financial position, which can also be seen in a number of recent regulatory judgements, according to the Regulator of Social Housing (RSH).
Miller Homes has agreed to buy English housebuilder St Modwen Homes. The deal sees Miller Homes acquire 19 live sites, totalling around 3,500 plots for new homes, and a further five strategic sites, growing its business in the West Midlands, East Midlands and South regions and entering the South Wes
England's Housing Ombudsman has released its latest ‘learning from severe maladministration’ report, focusing on hazards that it sees in its casework ahead of the introduction of Awaab’s Law.
The Chartered Institute of Environmental Health (CIEH) has reiterated its concern about emissions of fine particulate matter PM2.5 caused by domestic wood burning, after new research found the biggest source of the most dangerous type of air pollution in England comes from wood burning stoves.
Dangerous cladding on all high-rise buildings in government-funded schemes in England will be fixed by the end of 2029, Angela Rayner has pledged.
The Senedd’s local government and housing committee has published its housing supply inquiry report calling for increased housing supply in Wales.