In the first of a series of outputs exploring the key issues raised by the coronavirus pandemic, Prof David Robinson considers whether the social and economic constraints imposed by the ‘lockdown’ might make us all feel a little more empathy for those older people (and other fellow citiz
As Crisis officially launches an emergency grants fund for local homelessness charities today, the charity’s head of best practice Chris Hancock explains more.
Harper Macleod solicitor Kevin Sturgeon provides an update for RSLs on the latest requirements from the Scottish Housing Regulator. The Scottish Housing Regulator (SHR) has written to all Registered Social Landlords (RSLs) in the wake of COVID-19 to assist RSLs on assessing their business continuity
Jessica Husbands from Shelter Scotland discusses the issue of homelessness in the UK during the current COVID-19 lockdown.
Glasgow and West of Scotland Forum of Housing Associations (GWSF) director David Bookbinder argues that the conversation should be moved away from rent holidays and focussed instead on the loss of income members facing housing associations and co-operatives. Firstly let’s put the ridiculous id
Kelly Fraser provides advice for Registered Social Landlords (RSLs) wondering how to deal with governance issues, including the requirements to convene meetings, during the current coronavirus pandemic. There are various potential options in the prevailing circumstances - including virtual meetings,
Given the current working conditions at housing associations across Scotland, Penny Norton reveals how online consultation can replace meetings usually carried out in person. This time two weeks ago a housing association might have been running or contributing to a consultation event for a proposed
Homeless Network Scotland is partnering with Scottish Housing News to collect and share the experiences and challenges faced by its members, the wider homelessness sector and people confronted directly with homelessness during the COVID-19 crisis. In response to the emergency, Homeless Network Scotl
Craig Edward offers an alternative view to Grant Ager’s call for Scotland’s social landlords to consider a three-month rent holiday. I have to say I disagree with Grant. Tenants have varying circumstances and different methods of payment of rent. It is far too simplistic to suggest that
All organisations across the world are facing challenges as a result of the coronavirus (COVID-19) pandemic and Kelly Fraser says many Registered Social Landlords (RSLs) will be concerned about what this means for their day-to-day operations. While data protection is often a term that we want to avo
Well-known housing figure Grant Ager argues that Scotland’s social landlords should consider a three-month rent holiday. These are unprecedented times and as such need unprecedented actions.
Ypeople CEO Janet Haugh gives an update on the charity’s continuing work. The world is currently facing a pandemic, the scale of which has not been seen in our lifetime. COVID-19 is causing us to adapt and rapidly change not only our services, but our lives and the lives of our families and co
Property law can seem boring and unimportant to some people at times. In the face of a crisis, property law often seems decidedly unimportant. People need to live somewhere, though, and opportunistic and/or thoughtless landlords might use a situation of crisis (or be completely or wilfully oblivious
The weeks ahead will be the most challenging we have ever faced. Social housing professionals have a critical role to play in providing advice and support to thousands of worried and frightened tenants, some of them in sheltered housing and others in supported living units or care homes. Others
SFHA chief executive Sally Thomas has written the following message outlining the organisation’s latest coronavirus response plan. Since last week, developments regarding the coronavirus outbreak have escalated significantly. There is no question that these are challenging and unprecedented ti