Shelter Scotland’s Nora Uhrig encourages tenants to respond to the Scottish Government’s consultation into its proposed private rented sector dispute tribunal. At Shelter Scotland, we’re too used to hearing about disputes between tenants and private landlords or letting agents. When these rela
CIH Scotland Board member, Evie Copland, previews what visitors can expect at the Housing Festival event to be held at the SECC in Glasgow on March 14-15.
"Social security is a human right". Social security minister Jeane Freeman blogs about Scotland's approach to its new agency. Earlier this month I marked another milestone as we build our new social security system for Scotland, when we responded to the consultation which has taken me to communities
Richard Jennings Castle Rock Edinvar’s Richard Jennings asks how do we innovate to solve the problem of too many people living in cold homes?
A build to rent scheme of up to 400 homes was approved at Fountainbridge in Edinburgh last year Shelter Scotland’s James Battye blogs on why affordable housing must be the priority in Scotland’s housebuilding programme.
Cables Wynd House, better known as the Leith Banana Flats - Crown Copyright @ Historic Environment Scotland The decision to award Grade A-listed status to Edinburgh’s ‘Banana Flats’ was a bold move, but time will tell whether it will be a positive one for Leith and its residents, writes Richar
John Blackwood Private landlords representative John Blackwood encourages people to respond to the Scottish Government’s consultation on Universal Credit regulations.
Calum Macaulay Calum Macaulay from Albyn Housing Society flies the flag for housing associations in Scotland
Jonathan Fair McCarthy & Stone managing director, Jonathan Fair, reflects on the Scottish and UK government planning consultations and the growing need for older people’s housing.
Jim Rooney Experienced housing practitioner Jim Rooney has been working in asset management for the past 25 years and this year will chair HouseMark Scotland’s new Active Asset Management Specialist Club. He considers the main challenges currently facing registered social landlords in asset manage
What support is available to help those in fuel poverty? Lisa Glass blogs on Shelter Scotland’s new guide with Energy Action Scotland. There has been a lot of attention recently on fuel poverty, and 748,000 fuel poor households marked a failed target to eradicate fuel poverty by November 2016. Two
There's lots of work taking place in the Private Rented Sector in Scotland's cities, writes the Scottish Cities Alliance. The housing market has gone through a sea change in the past few years with the Private Rented Sector emerging as a key trend, for both occupiers and investors.
Harry Smith Gillespie Macandrew’s housebuilding expert Harry Smith says now is not the time for Scotland’s housebuilders to be cautious.
Aoife Deery digests Shelter Scotland’s latest report into the increasing use of temporary accommodation in Scotland. For the third year running, Shelter Scotland carried out research into the use of temporary accommodation by local authorities and compiled a report of our findings. The data suppli
Derek Petrie As the £1 billion development of Dundee’s Waterfront area continues, Derek Petrie, a property expert at law firm Lindsays, wants to shine the spotlight on the regeneration taking place throughout the rest of the city and the wider region.