Bethany Christian Trust service user David, who has just secured his own flat and has started a new job working at a high end hotel in Edinburgh, details how his time at the charity’s Bethany House emergency resettlement unit provided him with a stable environment and help to live independently. I
Richard Jennings Castle Rock Edinvar managing director Richard Jennings asks whether other countries can provide inspiration on how to improve the quality of city living for the next 100 years.
In the wake of the Grenfell Tower fire, Shelter Scotland’s Adam Lang outlines the housing rights of tenants throughout the country. The recent fire at Grenfell Tower in west London was a tragedy that has devastated the lives of local residents and the wider community. It was a stark reminder that
Ahead of the launch of the new ‘I need help’ button, Shelter Scotland’s Jocasta Mann explains more about how this tool works – and how it’s paving the way for a workshop event on July 19 that’ll bring charities and the digital world together. It’s a fast-moving world out there when it
Bruce Forbes Bruce Forbes, director of Angus Housing Association, writes on the cost of new council houses in Angus.
Jonathan Gordon Jonathan Gordon, managing director of letting agents Clan Gordon, writes on fire safety in the private rented sector.
It’s always a huge relief when your tenancy deposit comes back, even if you’re sure you left everything spick and span when you moved out! After the deposit is released by the protection scheme it’s registered with, you can claim it. But what if you’re one of the thousands of tenants who don
Mike Bruce In a new opinion piece for CIH Scotland, Mike Bruce, chief executive of Weslo Housing Management reflects on borrowing conditions in the Buy to Let market and its place in an ever growing private rented sector.
James Andersen Grant Thornton’s James Andersen on the need to tackle Scotland’s housing crisis and the role that the Private Rented Sector (PRS) can play in this.
James Forbes What price will we pay for cheaper heat? James Forbes from Burness Paull looks at district heating schemes, fuel poverty and regulation.
Sarah Latto From the 1st to the 7th of June each year, Shelter Scotland marks Volunteers’ Week, a national celebration of the contribution that volunteers make to society. Sarah Latto discusses why.
Lisa Glass, a policy officer at Shelter Scotland, urges tenants to have their say on issues affecting the private rented sector. Are you a private tenant?
By Rob Trotter, associate director of DJ Alexander Property Managers In January 2018 the new Residential Tenancy Agreement will come into effect. The main change leading to concern with landlords across Scotland is that lease agreements will now be on an indefinite tenancy instead of the original 6-
Examples of projects that have included the Active House vision into their design parameters By Martin Peat, director, Richardson & Peat
Adam Lang Dear Editor