Alison Anderson (left) and Amanda Yellowley Graham Robertson (left) and Gary Alison
David Green Warmworks Scotland has announced the appointment of David Green OBE as independent chairman of its board of directors.
Bernadette Hewitt Glasgow Housing Association (GHA), Scotland's largest social landlord, has named Barmulloch tenant Bernadette Hewitt as its new chairperson.
Matt Forrest Home Group has announced the appointment of Matt Forrest in a new role of executive director for business development.
Rob Simpson Aberdeenshire Council has appointed Aberdeen City Council’s communities and housing citywide manager Rob Simpson as its new head of housing.
Charles Milne and new chairperson Freya Lees Kingdom Housing Association confirmed the appointment of Freya Lees as the Association’s new chairperson at its October Board meeting.
Cloch Housing Association has appointed a new chair after its successful 48th AGM. Julianne Scarlett has been on the Board for three years and takes over from Monica Sheekey who stepped down from the post this year after four years at the helm and takes the position of vice-chair.
Campbell Robb Campbell Robb is to leave his position as chief executive at Shelter after being appointed as the new chief executive of the Joseph Rowntree Foundation (JRF) and the Joseph Rowntree Housing Trust (JRHT).
Sharon Flynn Wellhouse Housing Association has announced three new appointments to its management team.
Caitlin McCorry and Neil Stewart at the AGM At its 40th Annual General Meeting last week, Port of Leith Housing Association (PoLHA) has confirmed the appointed of its chair, vice chair and two new board members.
Mike Dailly Minister for local government and housing, Kevin Stewart, has announced the reappointment of Mike Dailly to the Scottish Housing Regulator Board.
Council leader Joe Cullinane A new administration has been formed to assume control of North Ayrshire Council after the previous administration indicated its intention to step down.
Aubrey Fawcett Inverclyde Council has appointed Aubrey Fawcett as its new chief executive to replace John Mundell OBE who is set to retire from the council in September.
Duncan McEchran Irvine Housing Association welcomed Duncan McEachran as new chair of the Association at its 22nd AGM last week following the end of former chair Alan West’s five-year tenure.
Michael Hui Kingdom Housing Association has appointed Michael Hui as its new energy advice officer to help families cut their power bills.