Council leader Joe Cullinane A new administration has been formed to assume control of North Ayrshire Council after the previous administration indicated its intention to step down.
Aubrey Fawcett Inverclyde Council has appointed Aubrey Fawcett as its new chief executive to replace John Mundell OBE who is set to retire from the council in September.
Duncan McEchran Irvine Housing Association welcomed Duncan McEachran as new chair of the Association at its 22nd AGM last week following the end of former chair Alan West’s five-year tenure.
Michael Hui Kingdom Housing Association has appointed Michael Hui as its new energy advice officer to help families cut their power bills.
Kirsty Reid The chair of Moray Housing Partnership (MHP) has said its governance changes are now complete with the appointment of two new committee members.
Tom Barclay Wheatley Group has appointed Tom Barclay as its new group director of property and development.
New HHP chief exec Dena Macleod & HHP board chair Iain Macmillan Iain Macmillan, interim chair of the Hebridean Housing Partnership (HHP), has announced the appointment of Dena Macleod as chief executive of HHP.
Roddy MacDonald Housebuilder AS Homes (Scotland) Ltd has announced the appointment of Roddy MacDonald as its new affordable housing director.
Steve Kell Hillcrest Housing Association has appointed Steve Kell to the newly created post of head of housing on an 18 month contract.
Taking up their posts are (from left) Lynne, Claire and Sharon Thenue Housing has announced three key appointments to its staff team.
Graeme Russell & Willie Hardie Manor Estates Housing Association has appointed Graeme Russell as its new chief executive following the retirement of Lynn McDonald.
Caryn Innes Care and housing provider Bield has appointed Caryn Innes as its new head of development.
Les Allan Moray Housing Partnership has refreshed its governance and oversight with the appointment of a new chair and two new committee members.
Ann Leslie, LAR's CEO and new chair Andrew Robertson The LAR Housing Trust, which was set up six months ago to help tackle the shortage of mid market rental properties in Scotland, has appointed Andrew Robertson as its new chairman.
Stevie McAvoy Muirhouse Housing Association has announced the appointment of Stevie McAvoy as its new chief executive.