Fuel Poverty

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Energy company SSE has submitted a series of proposals to the Scottish Government as ministers begin to draw up Scotland's new 'Energy Strategy'. The initiative aims to help Scotland maximise benefits from innovation, cost reductions and new technologies, as well as de-carbonise energy systems and p

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(from left) Albert Henderson MBE, tenant Angela Hair and energy minister Paul Wheelhouse Paul Wheelhouse MSP, minister for business, innovation and energy, has visited Broomhill in Greenock to hear how its new £7 million district heating system is resulting in warmer, more energy efficient homes wi

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Andy Wightman Scottish Green Party MSPs have expressed disappointment after Holyrood's other main parties voted against proposals to allocate more than the proposed £125 million per year to eradicate fuel poverty.

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Ahead of yesterday’s Scottish Parliament debate on fuel poverty, Scottish Greens housing spokesperson Andy Wightman says it’s time to consider what more can be done to steward our housing wealth as a public asset into homes that are warm, watertight and fit for the future. Many houses and teneme

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A coalition is urging the Scottish Government to substantially increase the funding available to improve the energy efficiency of Scotland's homes ahead of a debate today in the Scottish Parliament. The Existing Homes Alliance, whose members include WWF Scotland, Changeworks and the National Insulat

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(from left) Richard Jennings from Castle Rock Edinvar, energy minister Paul Wheelhouse and Sunamp’s Andrew Bissell Energy minister Paul Wheelhouse joined representatives from thermal energy storage technology firm Sunamp and Castle Rock Edinvar Housing Association at an event to mark the successfu

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Hebridean Housing Partnership (HHP) has been awarded £340k from the Scottish Government as part of the Home Energy Efficiency Programmes Capital Acceleration Programme (HEEPS-CAP). HHP will use the funding to carry out room-in-roof insulation to 68 homes before April 2017.

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Scottish Borders Council has been awarded £225,000 from the Scottish Government to help improve the energy efficiency of social housing in the area. The funding is part of a £9 million allocation announced for councils and housing associations across the country.

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Scotland’s biggest trade union, Unite, has said politicians need to support public ownership of energy companies if they are serious about tackling the country’s fuel poverty crisis. The union said Housing Minister Kevin Stewart's plans to spend an additional £10 million on warmer homes were un

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Scottish households missed out on £300 million of savings last year because they didn’t change their energy supplier, according to new statistics. Figures from OFGEM show that savings of around £300 this year are achievable per household just by switching as a new Ipsos MORI survey from the Ener

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Expert review groups into fuel poverty have called for the definition to be reviewed to ensure help is targeted at those who need it most. Two reports by the Scottish Fuel Poverty Strategic Working Group and Scottish Rural Fuel Poverty Task Force have made over 100 recommendations to address the iss

706-720 of 829 Articles