People in Scotland have received more than £30 million via two Scottish Government benefits to help them deal with increased energy costs this winter, new statistics have shown.
Fuel Poverty
Energy debt is becoming an increasing issue of concern for people in Scotland with nearly half of affected households not confident they can clear debts or arrears, new analysis has revealed. The latest Energy Affordability Tracker from Consumer Scotland shows the impact of increasing energy de
Kingdom Housing Association’s Tenancy Sustainment Team has delivered £50,000 worth of direct financial support to customers with fuel debts, providing a financial lifeline during the cost of living crisis.
Families could save up to £200 on yearly energy bills with some helpful hints on how to bring costs down as the school spring break begins, according to charity Children 1st. Anxious parents facing higher energy costs over the school break have been encouraged to seek advice and support from C
New figures show that people across Scotland are increasingly looking to make energy efficiency upgrades to their homes to reduce their energy bills and carbon emissions, but many are still unsure about how to do it.
Legally binding targets on fuel poverty and net zero will be missed without new, fit-for-purpose legislation on heat in buildings, the Existing Homes Alliance (EHA) has warned. Following hard on the heels of the news that nearly a third of Scotland’s households are now in fuel poverty, the All
New Gorbals Housing Association (NGHA) will host a number of energy information events for tenants throughout March as part of efforts to address the cost-of-living crisis.
Fuel poverty rates in Scotland increased to 31% of all households in 2022, of which more than 18% were in extreme fuel poverty, the latest Scottish House Condition Survey has found.
Scotland’s national advice service is calling for a UK-wide social energy tariff to be introduced to fix the “broken” market and help end the scourge of fuel poverty.
Energy regulator Ofgem has today announced a significant reduction of the energy price cap for the second quarter of 2024, though a charity is stressing that prices are still too high for many households.
Ruchazie Housing Association is to continue to support its residents by helping cut the costs of fuel bills for their tenants after it received funding from the Scottish Federation of Housing Associations (SFHA) for two separate rounds of funding.
Wheatley Group has helped tenants save more than £122,000 on their energy bills over the last six months.
A charity has welcomed a predicted fall in the cost of energy bills in April but warned that it will “do nothing” to address soaring levels of debt faced by households.
Scarf, the social enterprise dedicated to alleviating fuel poverty and championing energy efficiency across the north east of Scotland, is inviting local authorities across Scotland to contact them to find out more about Scarf’s delivery of the fourth version of the Energy Company Obliga
The Ofgem Energy Industry Voluntary Redress Scheme has opened to applications for its seventh funding round.