Warmworks has secured new funding for the installation of energy efficiency improvements and zero emissions heating systems in hundreds of tenants’ homes on behalf of social landlords across Scotland. The Scottish Government’s Social Housing Net Zero Heat Fund will provide 50-60% of the
Fuel Poverty
Funds from the latest round of the Ofgem Energy Redress Scheme have been awarded to 20 organisations who provide energy advice, support carbon reduction initiatives and develop innovative energy-focused services and products.
The Drax Foundation, the corporate foundation of the renewable energy company Drax Group (Drax), has donated £300,000 to three organisations dedicated to addressing fuel poverty in the UK.
Age Scotland is urging the UK government to reconsider plans to scrap the winter fuel payment for pensioners who do not receive pension credit. Scotland’s charity for older people has said the move will push tens of thousands of low income pensioners in Scotland further into poverty, and puts
With energy costs receding from their historic highs, there now remains a damaging debt problem according to fuel poverty champions Energy Action Scotland. Latest figures from Ofgem, the government’s energy regulator, show energy debt growing at 10% per quarter across 2023-24 as opposed to jus
An Affordable Warmth at Home in the Western Isles report released this week by Tighean Innse Gall (TIG) has found that the Western Isles faces the highest levels of fuel poverty in Scotland. British Gas Energy Trust funded a stand-alone report which was produced from a funded survey which TIG issue
Harbour Homes has secured more than £172k in funding to provide energy advice to Edinburgh tenants on behalf of the ARCHIE partnership. The Leith social landlord made a successful bid on behalf of the ARCHIE partnership for funding from the Energy Redress Scheme. The £172,089 grant will
Southside Housing Association is set to launch a new advice project funded through the Energy Industry Voluntary Redress Scheme. The project will provide two energy advisers for a period of two years. The award of £178k includes 400 pre-payment meter fuel vouchers that will be ringfenced for t
More than 30 Scottish households are being forced to stop using their gas and electricity every week because they cannot afford to top up their prepayment meters. Figures from national advice agency Advice Direct Scotland show that the energy crisis is far from over, with prices still high and many
Scottish households are still paying hundreds of pounds more for gas and electricity than they were before the energy crisis hit despite Ofgem lowering the energy price cap again, a charity has warned.
Link tenants have expressed their gratitude for the support provided by the Fuel Insecurity Fund in survey results published this week.
Queens Cross Housing Association hosted staff from Ofgem last week as they sought to find out about the work of housing associations in supporting tenants on a range of energy issues.
A new partnership between Children 1st and gas distribution network SGN could see around £1 million generated for families facing spiralling energy bills through targeted energy advice and support.
Citizens Advice Scotland has today published new data that shows the huge debts that people in Scotland owe to energy companies.
The bosses of two of the UK’s biggest energy companies have called for the introduction of a social energy tariff to help low-income households who are struggling to pay the bills.