Energy efficiency specialist Warmworks has set up a new office in Stornoway ahead of delivering insulation support to homes across the Western Isles. Warmworks will be responsible for administering the Heat and Energy Efficient Scotland: Area-Based Scheme (HEES:ABS) on behalf of Comhairle nan Eilean
Fuel Poverty
The innovative use of wind farm profits has earned Fyne Homes a fuel poverty award. The housing association, which is based on the Isle of Bute and manages 1,600 homes across Argyll, was honoured in the ‘Outstanding Tenant Support’ category at Energy Action Scotland’
A £420,000 fund set up by Perth & Kinross Council to help people through the cost-of-living crisis last winter saw over 16,500 visits to local Warm Spaces, according to a new report.
Dumfries and Galloway Council is developing a Local Heat and Energy Efficiency Strategy (LHEES) in response to the Scottish Government's guidance. The strategy aims to improve energy efficiency and reduce greenhouse gas emissions from heating buildings.
After Ofgem announced that the energy bill price cap is set to rise from January, a new report from the Scottish Federation of Housing Associations (SFHA) has outlined the huge scale of fuel support to tenants that housing associations have provided in the past year.
A project that supported more than 10,000 Inverclyde residents with the cost of living crisis during the cold winter months is returning thanks to £100,000 of investment.
The price of energy for a typical household that uses gas and electricity and pay by Direct Debit will go up by £94 after Ofgem announced it will increase the price cap by 5% on the previous quarter from 1 January 2024.
The Borders Housing Network is continuing to support customers to stay warm this winter, with a range of practical measures to beat the chill and keep bills down. The Network, made up of Berwickshire Housing Association (BHA), Eildon Housing Association (EHA), Scottish Borders Housing Association (S
A new campaign has launched today encouraging people who are worried about energy bills to seek advice from the Citizens Advice network. The campaign comes as research from Citizens Advice Scotland (CAS) indicates that energy bills are the biggest financial concern for 2.2 million people this winter
Gillian Martin MSP, the Scottish Government’s minister for energy and environment, and Consumer Scotland chief executive Sam Ghibaldan have urged the UK Government ahead of its Autumn Statement to support action to tackle fuel poverty in Scotland. In a letter to Amanda Solloway MP, minist
Members of the Highland Council's Caithness Committee had an opportunity on Monday to look at the benefits the Wick District Heating project is providing to locals and to discuss the potential to expand the scheme so more properties across the town can be included. The current project is well underw
The progress the Scottish Government has made against its Heat in Buildings Strategy has been set out in the annual Heat in Buildings Progress Report, which has been published today. During the past year, the Scottish Government has provided £170 million of funding through its Heat i
Organisations have been invited to apply for funding in the latest round of the Ofgem Redress Scheme to help people with energy advice and decarbonisation projects. Today the Ofgem Energy Industry Voluntary Redress Scheme (Energy Redress Scheme) opens for its sixth funding round.
Views are being sought on the introduction of the Pension Age Winter Heating Payment, a new benefit to replace the UK Government’s Winter Fuel Payment in Scotland. The Scottish Government has previously committed to delivering the new payment on a like-for-like basis with the existing benefit.
People in North Ayrshire facing crisis and struggling to make ends meet could be eligible for help paying household energy bills. Since last winter, North Ayrshire Council has supported thousands of residents by offering financial and practical support through its Energy Smart programme to help resi