A study into the impact of Scottish charity Right There has revealed it generates over £300 million of savings every year for the public purse, through its unique approach to preventing and tackling homelessness. As Scotland’s national housing crisis deepens, the report, entitled “
A new report from The Salvation Army in Scotland is recommending urgent collection of data on the number of people rough sleeping, along with cause-of-death data for anyone who dies while living in temporary accommodation.
Glasgow City Mission has released its report into the Overnight Welcome Centre (OWC) which ran from 1 December 2023 until 31 March 2024.
A homelessness charity has ended its contract with the City of Edinburgh Council to provide critical housing in three locations for some of the city’s most vulnerable residents. The project run by Right There provides two accommodation units in Pilton and one in Broomhouse, supportin
A coalition of organisations has congratulated Scotland’s new First Minister and urged him to focus his attention on repairing the social housing budget and on protecting duties to prevent homelessness.
Kieran Findlay and Jimmy Black put the Holyrood turmoil to one side and continue their exploration of various elements of the Scottish Government’s new Housing Bill with a look at proposed new homelessness prevention measures. The legislation will introduce an ‘ask and act’ duty on
New plans to help support households worried about homelessness have been agreed by North Lanarkshire Council's housing committee.
An innovative housing and employability scheme for young people has delivered brand new social housing for affordable rent in Perth city centre. Perth and Kinross Council and youth homelessness charity Rock Trust this week unveiled four newly refurbished one-bed flats for young people under EveryYou
A young woman presented to Govan Law Centre’s Women’s Rights Project as an emergency referral as she was struggling in B&B interim accommodation provided by Glasgow City Council has been provided with a furnished tenancy. The woman and her partner had been placed in B&B accommoda
Efforts to boost affordable housing supply by acquiring properties to bring into use for affordable housing and help reduce homelessness will be given an £80 million uplift over the next two years, the Scottish Government has announced.
South Lanarkshire Council has granted permission to homelessness charity Social Bite for the next of its proposed village projects in Rutherglen. To be situated on a brownfield site on Harriet Street, the village will consist of 15 modern, sustainable modular homes, known as Nest houses, a
Homelessness charity Cyrenians has launched its new three-year strategy, committing to a public health approach in its mission to tackle the causes and consequences of homelessness.
The Scottish Parliament's Local Government, Housing and Planning Committee and Social Justice and Social Security Committee have today jointly launched a new public consultation on the Scottish Government’s Housing (Scotland) Bill with a focus on homelessness and tenants' rights. The Bill cont
To mark the release of The Beautiful Game, the new Netflix film that features the Homeless World Cup, a new edition of the book that inspired the movie has been launched. The Beautiful Game, starring Bill Nighy and Micheal Ward, was released by Netflix on March 29. The feature-length drama
Families are increasingly benefiting from the positive impact of Housing First Scotland, figures highlighted in a new report suggest.