The Sanctuary Homes project in Yoker Housing minister Kevin Stewart visited Scotland’s tallest timber building at a Sanctuary Homes project in Glasgow.
One of the lucky Garden Competition winners Joanna Bednarz receiving her award from Councillor Rashid Hussain Glen Oaks Housing Association held its annual Residents Conference in Glasgow’s Crookston Hotel.
(from left) Muirlands resident Ruth Baxter, Councillor Baillie Fraser MacPherson and Muirlands Manager Kelly Todd Caledonia Housing Association celebrated the 25th anniversary of Muirlands Sheltered Housing Complex this week with a fantastic turn out from Muirlands residents and a wealth of visitors
A five-year plan which outlines South Lanarkshire Council’s values and ambitions designed to “improve the lives of everyone in South Lanarkshire” has been agreed by councillors. The ‘Connect’ Council Plan for 2017-22 contains 11 objectives will be delivered working in partnership with loca
Scotland’s Housing Network (SHN) has joined some of its members and other national housing bodies in making the choice to pay their employees more than the government minimum wage. The organisation’s Board took the decision in the summer to remove the two lowest pay grades to ensure that all cur
As PfH Scotland launches a dedicated vehicle leasing and fleet management procurement framework for the social housing sector, Stephen Herriot outlines how housing associations can help the Scottish Government achieves its ambitions low carbon commitments. With the recent commitment by the Scottish
Paul Smee The organisation that represents 50,000 private sector residential landlords in England and Wales has appointed a new director.
Professional services firm Arup is leading a UK government project examining the feasibility of phasing out the use of natural gas for domestic use by converting homes to hydrogen fuel. The £25 million Hydrogen for Heat Programme, commissioned by the Department for Business, Energy and Industrial S
(from left) Councillor Yvonne Allan, Norma Ferguson of Brimmond Court Tenants’ Association, Jim Norrie of Grampian Court Tenants’ Association, and Sylvia Murdoch of Morven Court Tenants’ Association Three high rises in the south of Aberdeen are to be a beacon of colour after a new LED lighting
Stirling-based insulation manufacturer Superglass has donated over £3,000 worth of thermal clothing to housing and homelessness charity Shelter Scotland. The donation included a range of thermal undergarments, padded jackets and body warmers.
The vision from the original PAN for EuroPark submitted last year A revised Proposal of Application Notice (PAN) for a “landmark” housing development just off the M8 has been submitted to North Lanarkshire Council, including a major affordable housing allocation.
A consortium of Scottish local authorities is putting together a house-building framework worth £1.5 billion to the selected contractors. The four-year housing construction framework is being procured by LHC on behalf of the Scottish Procurement Alliance.
The Highland Council has pledged to approve 500 affordable housing units each year for the next five years of which 70% will be for affordable rent and 30% for low cost home ownership. Councillors on the environment, development and infrastructure committee yesterday agreed a Strategic Housing Inves
Argyll and Bute Council has revealed plans to build more than 760 new affordable homes in the next five years. The housing will be delivered as part of the council's Strategic Housing Investment Plan (SHIP).
Plans to build 70 homes and a new cemetery on greenbelt land in Strathblane have been refused by Stirling Council. The development, which was being taken forward by Gladman Developments, was proposed for land south of Broadgate House on Campsie Road.