(from left) Steven Simpson, managing director of Cruden Homes (East) Ltd and Colin Macdonald, managing director of Hart Builders in front of the new Cruden Homes’ and Hart Builders’ brand identities at the Cruden House reception Cruden Homes East and sister company Hart Builders have rebranded a
Edinburgh-based property developer Whiteburn Projects has secured £20 million equity investment to launch its VOX Build-to-Rent product, with a view to delivering the first of its proposed projects in Dundee. Planning permission was granted to the developer in August 2015 for its vision for the for
A previously empty home in North Lanarkshire Housing minister Kevin Stewart will today reaffirm the Scottish Government’s commitment to double the money available for work that helps bring long-term, privately-owned empty homes back into use.
Court of Session A homeowner involved in a legal dispute with Glasgow City Council has won his appeal after arguing that the local authority acted beyond its powers in imposing a condition attached to the award of grant assistance, which required property owners to pay their share of the cost of rep
Sally Thomas The Scottish Federation of Housing Associations (SFHA) is calling for the UK government to act urgently on Universal Credit as the implementation of the policy is pushing tenants into debt and poverty as well as jeopardising the financial sustainability of housing associations.
A key plan aimed at continuing East Lothian Council's success at tackling homelessness throughout the region has been approved by councillors. Presented to the meeting of the cabinet this week, the Homelessness Action Plan outlines a wide range of measures that will allow the council to build on its
Concerns have been raised that more people could lose their homes after the cost of a typical two-bed private rental property rose by 4.4% in the last year. Nationally the average rent on a two-bed property is £643 this year up from £616 in 2016 and the charity says that people will struggle to co
Ligia Teixeira In a guest blog for homelessness charity Cyrenians, Dr Ligia Teixeira outlines why Crisis believes that improving outcomes at scale requires a new approach.
(from left) Melville’s chief operating officer Morag MacDonald, welfare benefits advisers Andrew Collinge and Jacque Mather, and housing services manger Sean Dickson Tenants of Melville Housing Association are better off to the tune of nearly £700,000 thanks to the hard work of an award-winning W
(from left) Back row: Sally Spence, Amanda Miller, Susan Turner, Tammy Connolly, Karen McDade, Cathie Brown, Willie Frew, Irene Wielbo.Front row: Lauren Upton, Carol Robertson, Hilary Scott, Claire Wilson (absent from photo) Twelve of Eildon Housing Association’s staff members are volunteering to
(from left) Pam Ewen, Ian Drummond, Mark McEwen, Nicola Barclay, Cllr Altany Craik, Gordon Nelson, John Mills and Hugh Hall Lochgelly, last year’s winner of Scotland’s Most Improved Town, was the venue of the 11th Fife House Builders Forum this week.
Tenants’ union Living Rent has launched a campaign to outlaw winter evictions in Scotland in a bid to prevent deaths of people who are homeless. The campaign follows a report from Shelter Scotland which found that a loss of a tenancy is the leading cause of homelessness.
Two-thirds of NIMBYs in Scotland admit to being frustrated that the next generation can’t afford to buy their own home, according to the latest research by the Federation of Master Builders (FMB). A UK-wide study into NIMBYs (‘not-in-my-back-yard’), or in other words people who tend to take an
Bettie MacDowall with therapeutic ponies Wilson and Eduardo A pair of small ponies made a big difference to older tenants in Glasgow when they dropped in for a visit.
Fish and chips - or 0.001% of a deposit - depending on your stance Millennials priced off the London housing ladder could save enough for a deposit in five years by giving up six “luxuries” ranging from phone upgrades to overseas mini-breaks, a city estate agent has claimed.