Les Allan Moray Housing Partnership has refreshed its governance and oversight with the appointment of a new chair and two new committee members.
Kezia Dugdale Scottish Labour has launched its manifesto for the Holyrood election, pledging to end the housing crisis by helping first-time buyers to save for a deposit, tackling rip-off rent rises and building 60,000 affordable homes.
Work has started on a new social housing development in the Tamfourhill area of Falkirk. Weslo Housing Management Ltd is working with construction and manufacturing company CCG on the Carrick Place development, which will offer sixteen 1 and 2 bedroom cottage flats and four 3 bedroom semi-detached h
A groundbreaking study into destitution in the UK has revealed that 1.25 million people, including over 300,000 children, are so poor they cannot afford to eat properly, keep clean or stay warm and dry. Research from the independent Joseph Rowntree Foundation (JRF) estimated that 184,500 households
ScottishPower has agreed to pay £18 million to vulnerable customers and charity following an investigation by Ofgem into its customer service standards. The government regulator carried out an investigation into the energy firm’s complaint resolution, call handling and billing processes during it
A total of £24.5 million was awarded through the Scottish Welfare Fund during the first nine months of 2015/16, official statistics have revealed. Covering the period from 1 April 2013 to 31 December 2015, the money equates to around 70 per cent of the £35m available through the Scottish Welfare F
BRE has launched the final phase of its innovation park at Ravenscraig. Students from New College Lanarkshire are actively involved with the Curriculum House which is the first ‘live’ higher level educational project of its kind in the UK.
Glasgow City Council is to host an information event on a pioneering self-build project in Maryhill. The event on Saturday 30 April between 10.30am - 12.30pm in Maryhill Burgh Halls will see the launch of the first phase of Maryhill project.
John and Margaret Smith with their granddaughter Nicola McGrath, outside Community Central Hall, where they were married in 1955 A couple were reunited with their wedding day venue 61 years after they were married to launch Queens Cross Housing Association’s new digital archive project.
Cllr Cammy Day unveils new scheme to tenants (l-r) Barbara Stark, Sharon Robertson, Maud Wylie and James Galloway A new City of Edinburgh Council tenant discount scheme has been launched which will save tenants money.
Tenants at Bield’s very sheltered housing development in West Lothian enjoyed a royal tea party to celebrate Her Majesty’s 90th Birthday – with their own development ‘Queen’ as the crowning glory. Margaret Laurie, who herself is due to celebrate her 95th birthday in July of this year, was
BBC current affairs programme Scotland 2016 held a housing debate last night ahead of next week’s election for the Scottish Parliament. The panel was made up of the SNP’s Alex Neil, Katy Gordon from the Scottish Liberal Democrats, Douglas Ross from the Scottish Conservatives, the Scottish Greens
Nicola Barclay Scotland’s key housing and professional bodies have called for politicians to tackle the country’s housing crisis by supporting an increase in the supply of warm, sustainable homes that meet a diverse set of needs and aspirations.
A helpline set up to help reduce the number of empty homes in Scotland has revealed some of the reasons given for why privately-owned homes are left unoccupied for long periods of time. Two of the top reasons are the fear of becoming a landlord and the responsibilities it brings, along with waiting
MPs have approved measures that will give greater protection to responsible landlords wanting to evict illegal immigrants. Right to Rent checks became a legal requirement for landlords throughout England to carry out on tenants from February this year. The requirement has been seen by many landlords