Almond Housing Association has donated money to a campaign to rescues and rehome four ex-circus lions from an uncertain future. Work has started on a new two acre lion enclosure at Five Sisters Zoo in West Lothian for Simba, Mufasa, Sangaka and Tiny who are being temporarily housed in a Rescue Centr
John Blackwood A petition supporting landlords and letting agents in the Private Rented Sector (PRS) in Scotland and opposing the introduction of rent controls has gained more than 3,000 signatures.
Mary Taylor The Scottish Federation of Housing Associations (SFHA) has urged the record cohort of SNP MPs heading to Westminster to make the devolution of further powers to Scotland a priority.
Chris Bonnar Almond Housing Association’s Chris Bonnar is undertaking a seven day cycle ride to raise monies for a local charity.
Iain Duncan Smith Iain Duncan Smith is to remain in charge of welfare reform across the UK after prime minister David Cameron decided to retain him as work and pensions secretary in his new Conservative government.
Gordon MacIntyre-Kemp New CBI Scotland director Hugh Aitken’s calls for austerity to be a priority for the new SNP MPs have been criticised by Business for Scotland.
Scotland's largest independent awards programme for the housing industry has announced that 47 companies have progressed to the final stages of the highly regarded competition. The 8th annual Scottish Home Awards, sponsored by Ross + Liddell, has received another record high number of entries with o
Anne Stevenson, Gary Stone, Eddie Holmes, Renee Dorricott and Agnes McBride Tenants at Bield’s Glenview Court retirement housing development in Motherwell found their aim was true after organising a darts night featuring professional player Gary Stone to raise funds for future social events.
To showcase the work of its many unsung gardening heroes, Melville Housing Association has launched a Great Gardens competition, giving three green-fingered tenants the chance to put their names up in lights and win a fantastic prize. The Baxter Keiller Prize, named in memory of a keen Melville tena
Law firm Balfour+Manson LLP is to welcome Army veteran Adam Powell for work experience this week thanks to its long-standing relationship with Scottish Veterans Residences (SVR). SVR is a registered charity that provides high quality accommodation in registered housing support services in Edinburgh,
Keith Anderson Port of Leith Housing Association (PoLHA) is investing £55 million to build nearly 500 additional new homes in north Edinburgh area by 2020.
Jen Paice Scotland’s average private rented sector deposits have shown only modest increases over the last two years and may actually be on the decrease, according to new data.
Mike Quinton The number of new homes registered in Scotland has increased by 15 per cent over the previous year, an industry body has reported.
With almost two thirds of fires in Scottish homes linked to electrical products, consumer safety charity Electrical Safety First has launched its safety manifesto for Scotland. Entitled Reducing Deaths and Injuries in Scottish Homes, it calls for an extension of regular safety checks to all social h
The Forth and Clyde canal at Maryhill Maryhill Housing Association is heading down the canal by bringing a nautical theme to its annual Residents’ Conference.