Almost 100 new homes are to be built in the Falkirk area in a move that will also provide an income for the local authority's pension fund. Members of Falkirk Council’s executive committee agreed to bring forward an Affordable Housing Grant to help fund new developments.
(from left) Paddy Carstairs, Lynette Linton and Sarah Smith LinkLiving Ltd, part of the Link group of social enterprises, has signed the Charter for Involvement to demonstrate its commitment to service user participation and involvement in all aspects of service planning, development and delivery.
Trust Housing Association and East Dunbartonshire Council’s new mid market rent development recently opened, and as responsible landlords, Trust and the council were keen to get some feedback from tenants. What they discovered exceeded even their own expectations, and showed how a new home can sig
The board of Loch Lomond & The Trossachs National Park Authority has approved a six-week consultation on the area’s Proposed Local Development Plan, outlining new developments in housing, tourism and supporting infrastructure over the next ten years. The new housing policies have been develope
Professor Leigh Sparks and Research Fellow Anne Findlay Planning experts at the University of Stirling have developed an online resource offering planners and the public the chance to browse data on each of Scotland’s 479 towns and cities.
Chair Willie Hardie and vice chair Margaret Fountain cutting the celebration cake Manor Estates Housing Association kicked off celebrations for the organisation’s 20th anniversary with an afternoon tea for staff, management committee and tenants’ forum members at the Botanic Gardens in Edinburgh
Su Bramley Fife Housing Group (FHG) is going walkabout to help improve the communities its tenants live in.
A poll carried out by Business for Scotland has found overwhelming levels of support amongst SME business owners for paying the Living Wage. The survey generated 200 responses from employers within the Business for Scotland membership (almost 4,000) and found overwhelming support for paying the livi
Children, staff and parents came together for the official opening of Little Reivers & Kreative Kids new Playskape in Duns A child care service provided by Seton Care, a wholly owned subsidiary company of Berwickshire Housing Association (BHA), has opened a new Playskape garden in Duns.
Sarah Speirs The Royal Institution of Chartered Surveyors in Scotland has called for a balanced approach to the country’s private rented sector reforms.
A new report has called on the Scottish Government to implement a gendered response to welfare reform mitigation after it found the cuts have had a “grotesquely disproportionate impact” on women. A study by equal opportunities organisation Engender revealed that £26 billion worth o
The Scottish Government's Commission on Local Tax Reform has appealed to the public and interested organisations to submit evidence on the future of local government funding. The commission is expected to report to the government and local government body COSLA in Autumn, ahead of next year’s Scot
Stephanie Clark Scottish Renewables has called for a change in planning rules in Glasgow to force developers to consider low cost communal heating systems.
Councillor Glennis Middleton (left) with Gowrie Care chairperson, Janet Lynch Councillor Glennis Middleton, convenor of the social work and health committee in Angus, opened a new modern and high-tech residential autism care facility in Brechin last week.
(from left) Wates tenant liaison officer Kathleen Cairns, TPAS Scotland chief executive Lesley Baird, Wates regional director Mick Holling, TPAS Scotland’s Colin Cassie, Wates proposals manager Tracy Gibson Wates Living Space is the first contractor organisation in Scotland to achieve the TPAS acc