John Blackwood Scottish Association of Landlords chief executive John Blackwood has urged the country’s private landlords to voice their concerns in the upcoming Westminster election.
Keith Miller Miller Homes has raised its projections to 3,000 homes a year after strong profit growth last year.
Fife Council is giving people the chance to discuss a private developer’s plans for a proposed new affordable housing development at the former Bowling Green in Wellesley Road, Methil. A drop-in event for members of the public to view and comment on the proposal will take place at Methil Library t
Thomas Ashdown The removal of no fault grounds for repossession and the spectre of rent controls in city hotspots will result in an exodus of landlords from the Scottish private rented sector (PRS), new research has suggested.
Easthall Park Housing Co-operative has been shortlisted in the ‘Social Landlord of the Year – Small’ category at the Housing Excellence Awards 2015. Two other organisations are also in the running, Thrive Homes and North Wales Housing.
Sarah Smith and George Thomson LinkLiving Ltd has been reaccredited as an Investor in Volunteers which recognises the support the organisation provides to its volunteers.
Nicola Barclay Trade body Homes for Scotland (HFS) has appointed Nicola Barclay as director of planning with responsibility for ensuring that the organisation’s planning function is utilised to the maximum benefit of members and helps enable the development of homes of all tenures across the count
Planning applications for a travellers site were rejected last week at an Aberdeenshire Council meeting. Two applications for a permanent halting site along with a temporary halting site in St Cyrus were introduced by head of planning and development management, Robert Gray.
The Child Poverty Action Group in Scotland and UNISON have joined together to call on political parties to lay out policies to tackle in-work poverty. The call comes as the child poverty charity and trade union release their report Fair Work and Decent Childhoods – policies for those who work to l
Malcolm Cannon A new standards and mediation scheme specifically for Scottish estate agents and the private rented sector (PRS) has made an appointment to its board.
The knitting group at Clyde Court Tenants of Bield’s Clyde Court, a very sheltered housing development in Arbroath, have generously donated hand knitted blankets to a cat protection centre in the local area.
Campaigners have called for the reintroduction of private rent controls after new figures reveal a massive increase in rents in Scotland’s biggest cities. New statistics released this week by Citylets, show that rents in Glasgow have increased faster than anywhere else in Scotland, up by 9.2 per c
(from left) Graeme Shanks, senior project manager of Taylor Wimpey and Bob Anderson, chairman of Melville Midlothian RSL Melville Housing Association is to deliver 28 new high quality affordable homes for the local area, thanks to a £2.8 million deal with house builder Taylor Wimpey.
The keys have been handed over for a £4.4 million affordable housing development in Kilmarnock. Delivered by Mactaggart & Mickel Contracts, a division of Mactaggart & Mickel Group, the 1.8 acre site at West Langlands has 39 housing units will be used by East Ayrshire Council to provide much
Staff and committee members celebrating receiving the awards Glasgow based Pineview Housing Association has achieved the double success of Investors in Young People and Investors in People Silver accreditation.