Fanchea Kelly A housing support service has been heavily praised by the Care Inspectorate after it received a five star review for its services.
Exciting technology including a Sims-style video game, a 3D printer and a drone proved a huge hit when they helped bring to life a major Scottish housing conference. Innovative housing and care provider Blackwood is renowned for the unexpected-yet-memorable experiences it has delivered at a number o
Jenny Gardner A regional manager at Blackwood has smashed her target of raising £600 to replace a Stirling care home’s beloved greenhouse after it was destroyed last year.
They say life begins at 30, but housing and care provider Blackwood chose to commemorate its Laura Fergusson Court development’s 35th anniversary in style, with the unveiling of a sleek, newly revamped lounge. Tenants and staff at the housing development in Craigmount Brae kicked off the landmark
The S'up Spoon in use A spoon that reduces spillage, designed to aid those with shaky hands as a result of cerebral palsy, essential tremor and Parkinson’s, has scooped the top prize at a Dragons Den style design competition.
Neil Powrie MBE A housing support worker who has dedicated nearly 40 years to helping and supporting the community of Dundee has been awarded an MBE from the Queen.
A pioneering new smart care system has been trialled successfully at a Blackwood care home in Stirling. Clever Cogs technology, which can be installed in various compatible touch screen devices, influences everything from the ability to open curtains and switch on TVs, to ordering shopping and ensur
Fanchea Kelly, chief executive at Blackwood A housing support service has been heavily praised by the Care Inspectorate after it received a six star review for some of its services.
(l-r) John Landan (Chair of Team Blackwood East) and Evan Venters (Vice Chair) Team Blackwood has been praised for having the Best Practice In Developing Tenant Scrutiny at the Tenant Participation Advisory Service (TPAS) Scotland Awards.
Fanchea Kelly Housing and care provider Blackwood is gearing up to unveil its new Tayside office as part of its new five year Business Plan.
Shawn More Housing and care provider Blackwood has announced the appointment of its first ever digital skills trainer.
Fanchea Kelly A housing support service has been heavily praised by the Care Inspectorate after it received a five star review for its services.
Alex Burns Alex Burns is Blackwood’s new housing officer for the East Region and will provide support to tenants throughout areas such as Edinburgh, Livingston, Peebles and Penicuik.
A scale replica of a highly accessible concept house for people with disability or mobility issues is to be showcased by Blackwood at its AGM. The housing and care provider is planning to construct a “home expo style” walk-through version of the concept house, which will demonstrate the various
With the Edinburgh Festival Fringe claiming this year’s event would be its most wheelchair-accessible yet, a disabled volunteer from a Scottish housing and care providers has put this statement to the test. Suhayl Afzal saw signs of improvement but says that progress is being made at “glacial sp