Cih Scotland

301-315 of 441 Articles
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Following a re-run of day two of its annual Housing Festival, CIH Scotland’s policy and practice officer Susanne Flynn provides a short recap of the highlights. Following an untimely finish in February due to the wintry weather, CIH Scotland was pleased to be able to offer delegates a re-run of da

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People and communities across Scotland are being asked to save the date for this year’s Scottish Housing Day, which will take place on Wednesday September 19th. This will be the third annual Scottish Housing Day and is led by the Chartered Institute of Housing Scotland (CIH Scotland) in partnershi

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Representatives from across Scotland’s housing sector will gather at the Wheatley Academy in Edinburgh today to attend a re-run of day two from CIH Scotland’s annual Housing Festival. The Housing Festival was cut short in February due to the snow.

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In advance of an Existing Homes Alliance Scotland parliamentary reception on May 29, CIH Scotland's policy and practice manager Ashley Campbell provides an update on the work of the group. CIH Scotland is one of the founding members of the Existing Homes Alliance Scotland (ExHAS) a coalition of hous

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Jim Strang CIH Scotland is delighted to offer members the opportunity to come and meet its vice president Jim Strang.

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Over 17,200 wheelchair users in Scotland do not have a suitable home and this unmet need is set to increase by 80% by 2024, according to new research. A major new report published by Horizon Housing Association and North Star Consulting and Research estimates that there are 87,340 wheelchair users i

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CIH Scotland has warned that there should be “no room for complacency” about meeting the Scottish Government’s target of delivering 50,000 new affordable homes by 2021 as it unveiled key findings from its annual UK Housing Review. On the key issue of housing supply, the report outlines a “mi

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New recommendations to ensure the commitment to eradicate rough sleeping in Scotland have been accepted in principle by the Scottish Government. Set out by the government’s Homelessness and Rough Sleeping Action Group, the full recommendations cover actions to prevent rough sleeping; empower front

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Representatives of the housing sector from across Scotland will gather in Edinburgh for Scotland’s Housing Festival 2018, the annual conference of the Chartered Institute of Housing in Scotland, taking place at the Edinburgh International Conference Centre on Tuesday 27 and Wednesday 28 February.

301-315 of 441 Articles