The UK government has come under increased pressure to immediately halt the roll-out of Universal Credit after new reports revealed that struggling homeowners, working single parents and disabled people will be the hardest hit under the new benefits system unless urgent action is taken in the next b
Jim McCormick The City of Edinburgh Council has appointed an independent chair to lead a new commission which will shine a light on and recommend ways to address poverty in the capital.
One quarter of the lowest income households in the UK are struggling with arrears or high debt repayments, with 10% spending more than a quarter of their income on unsecured debt repayments, a report has found. Figures from the Institute for Fiscal Studies (IFS) show that about one sixth of the lowe
A think-tank and advocacy group has called for a “complete overhaul” of the Scottish Government’s approach to housing after “damning” findings revealed that rising housing costs for the poorest Scots since devolution has become a key impediment to reducing poverty. The Joseph Rowntree Foun
Wider regulation, more technical and financial support and better monitoring systems are priority requirements for promoting district heating in the social housing sector, according to a new research report. Published by environmental charity Changeworks, District heating: Delivering affordable and
Professor Ken Gibb The University of Glasgow is to lead a consortium of nine universities and four non-academic professional bodies in a major new research programme examining the UK’s housing system.
Jim McCormick Budget proposals need to focus on in-work poverty, inclusive growth and higher costs to help solve poverty, says Jim McCormick
Campbell Robb Campbell Robb is to leave his position as chief executive at Shelter after being appointed as the new chief executive of the Joseph Rowntree Foundation (JRF) and the Joseph Rowntree Housing Trust (JRHT).
Researchers on a project jointly managed by the Centre for Sustainable Energy and Changeworks are calling on social landlords to give their views and experiences of district heating. On the face of it, there is a good fit between district heating and blocks of homes owned by housing associations and
Julia Unwin Julia Unwin CBE, the chief executive of the Joseph Rowntree Foundation (JRF) and the Joseph Rowntree Housing Trust (JRHT), is stepping down from her role at the end of 2016 after leading the organisations for the past 10 years.
A groundbreaking study into destitution in the UK has revealed that 1.25 million people, including over 300,000 children, are so poor they cannot afford to eat properly, keep clean or stay warm and dry. Research from the independent Joseph Rowntree Foundation (JRF) estimated that 184,500 households
Two of Scotland's cities have been named among the fastest-declining places in the UK by the Joseph Rowntree Foundation (JRF). A JRF report, titled ‘Uneven growth: tackling city decline’, considered a range of long-term economic factors including population change, unemployment rates, job creati
Jim McCormick The Joseph Rowntree Foundation (JRF) has called for measures to control the cost of renting in Scotland and a tax on the Winter Fuel Payment as part of a wide-ranging plan to reduce high levels of poverty in the country.
Scotland’s ambitions to tackle homelessness are under threat according to a new report published today by national homelessness charity Crisis and the Joseph Rowntree Foundation. The report shows 28,615 homelessness assessments by councils last year – a fall of 5 per cent on the previous year. H
New Welsh legislation aimed at preventing homelessness has been welcomed in research released today by homelessness charity Crisis. However, the report warns that welfare reforms and cuts introduced by the UK government risk undermining any progress achieved, while the Renting Homes (Wales) Bill cur