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The average rent for a 2-bedroom private rented property increased by 14.3% in a year to reach an average of £841 per month, up £105 per month compared with the previous year, official figures have revealed.

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Glasgow's rental market has experienced an unprecedented surge, with a shortage of rental flats driving demand and prices to a decade high, according to local letting agency Rosevale Letting. “Rental returns are the strongest we’ve seen for the last seven to eight years or maybe even ten

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Property investment house Cox & Co has expanded its operation to include an estate agency division. The new arm of the Edinburgh-based business has five brokers covering the city and surrounding areas, with staffing set to quadruple in the next 24 months as the firm extends across the country.

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Fife's first ethical letting agency was officially launched last month. Fife Private Rental Solutions (FPRS) is keen to support a strong and sustainable private rental sector which can assist in tackling the homeless issue in Fife. Not just for vulnerable tenants or those on benefits, the service ha

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Indigo House, funded by the Nationwide Foundation, will this week launch the final phase of research to unveil how tenancy reform has impacted the experiences of tenants and landlords in Scotland’s private rental market. The research will be officially launched at the conference of the Scottis

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Professor Ken Gibb, director and principal investigator, and Professor Alex Marsh, co-investigator of CaCHE, reflect on the new Scottish rent control proposals. In September 2023, the Scottish Government launched a consultation engagement process concerned with the rented sector proposals within the

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The rent freeze introduced by the Scottish Government is not unlawful a senior judge has ruled after an appeal by private sector landlords.

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Demand for advice around illegal eviction in the private rented sector jumped by 42% in the Scottish CAB network over the course of the year to this summer, according to new data released today by Citizens Advice Scotland.

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The First-tier Tribunal for Scotland has ordered two landlords, one in Glasgow and another in Edinburgh, to pay at least double the amount of tenancy deposits withheld from their tenants after finding them in breach of the Tenancy Deposit Schemes (Scotland) Regulations 2011.

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An application by two landlords for permission to appeal a decision of the First-tier Tribunal for Scotland that they had failed to comply with the terms of a Repairing Standard Enforcement Order has been refused by a sheriff of the Upper Tribunal for Scotland.

46-60 of 874 Articles