A new community hall in Castlemilk is bringing older Glasgow Housing Association (GHA) tenants together and helping them socialise.
Wheatley Homes Glasgow
Scotland's largest social landlord, Glasgow Housing Association, has been awarded one of Europe’s most prestigious prizes for business excellence. The Association received the European Foundation for Quality Management’s 2017 Global Excellence Award at a ceremony in Madrid.
Glasgow City Council has announced the appointment of Keepmoat Homes as its preferred developer for the provision of more than 800 new homes through the residential development at the Sighthill Transformational Regeneration Area (TRA) in the city. The residential development will feature 826 new hom
Martin Armstrong Scotland’s largest social landlord has been shortlisted for one of Europe’s most prestigious prizes for business excellence.
GHA tenants join Councillor Kenny McLean, GHA chair Bernadette Hewitt, staff from GHA and Wheatley Group, elected members, as well as staff from the city council and others, at the opening of 47 new GHA homes in Pollokshaws New GHA homes in the south of Glasgow are providing modern spacious places t
Cube staff celebrate achieving IIP Platinum status Cube Housing has achieved Investors in People’s prestigious Platinum accreditation.
Work is set to get underway on the next phase of regeneration at the award-winning Laurieston Living development in the Gorbals area of Glasgow. Laurieston is one of eight Transformational Regeneration Areas (TRA) in the city earmarked for regeneration as part of the Transforming Communities: Glasgo
The installation of the first timber superstructures marks an important milestone in the construction of a new mid-market rent development at Burnmouth Road in Barlarnark, as work progresses at pace. Located to the east of Glasgow city centre, close to Garrowhill train station and Edinburgh Road, th
First Minister Nicola Sturgeon visits GHA tenant Marilyn Cunningham at her new home, alongside GHA chair Bernadette Hewitt (right) First Minister Nicola Sturgeon visited tenants of Glasgow’s latest affordable homes development as Wheatley Group announced it had secured a further £65 million of pr
The Laurieston Living development delivered by Urban Union in the Gorbals Glasgow’s Pollokshaws is set for its next phase of regeneration after developers Urban Union acquired land in the area.
More than €4 million has been awarded to Glasgow City Council to develop sustainable solutions tackling issues such as fuel poverty, ageing infrastructure and air quality on its new smart street district. The €4.1m EU Horizon 2020 programme grant will be used to develop initiatives, such as inte
Shared services empty homes officer, Barry Sheridan (third from left), receiving a Special Award at last year’s Scottish Empty Homes Champion of the Year Awards on behalf of the Glasgow Empty Homes Shared Service Project Empty homes work in Glasgow has unlocked £1 million in VAT savings and boost
GHA tenant Mark Johnstone with GHA fuel advisor Maureen McMahon Tenants of Scotland’s largest social landlord have been helped to save more than £360,000 on their fuel bills in the past year.
Almost 1000 young people took part in the FARE Legacy Games Almost 1000 East End school kids were going for gold at this year’s FARE Legacy Games.
A masterplan of the Sighthill regenration area The £250 million regeneration of Sighthill – the biggest such project in the UK outside of London – is "10 to 20 years" ahead of schedule, Glasgow City Council has said.