University of Glasgow researcher Andrew Watson highlights the findings from a report, published yesterday, that explores temporary legislation introduced by the UK and Scottish governments to prevent the pandemic leading to a surge in evictions in both the private rented sector (PRS) and t
Scottish factoring business James Gibb Residential Factors has acquired the residential factoring division of Aberdeen-based commercial property consultancy FG Burnett. The acquisition grows the number of properties under management by James Gibb by 3,000 units, taking its total number of managed pr
The owner and landlord of a holiday cottage where a teenager died have been fined after failing to maintain the gas heaters. No annual checks were carried out on the cabinet heaters in Glenmark Cottage, which were also placed in small rooms without enough ventilation.
A surge in demand for property to rent in Scotland has sent available stock levels down almost two thirds in just three months with many prospective tenants around the country having unusual difficulty finding a home, according to the latest property rental report by Citylets.
The residential property letting market in Glasgow and its surrounding areas is “going crazy” with rental prices soaring to record levels, according to Riccardo Giovanacci, the managing director of agency Newton Letting. Mr Giovanacci said that monthly rents were achieving levels t
Scotland’s largest membership organisation for private rented sector (PRS) landlords and letting agents has warned of a shortage of properties available to rent over the winter, increasing pressure on emergency housing provided by councils. The Scottish Association of Landlords (SAL) said its
The Scottish Government has addressed a number of concerns outlined by Scottish Land & Estates (SLE) with changes to the licensing scheme for short-term lets, the rural business body has revealed. Last week, social justice secretary Shona Robison set out “pragmatic
Reducing public liability insurance requirements and the removal of overprovision powers are among a series of “pragmatic and significant” changes to the licensing scheme for short-term lets in Scotland, social justice secretary Shona Robison has said. The changes also include
The First-tier Tribunal for Scotland Housing and Property Chamber has ordered a Glasgow landlord to pay £2,400 to his former tenants after they applied to the tribunal for a Wrongful Termination Order. Lesley Munro and Grant McNicoll argued that they would not have left the property had they n
Proposed legislation to introduce a licensing scheme for Airbnb-style and short-term let properties is to be examined by a Holyrood committee.
Scottish Association of Landlords (SAL) chief executive John Blackwood gives his take on plans for a new deal for tenants in the private rented sector. With the ink barely dry on the new SNP and Scottish Greens co-operation agreement, the Scottish Government is keen to forge ahead with its plans to
Scotland’s Housing Network (SHN) has worked with Kingdom Housing Association graduate trainee Eilidh MacDonald, key sector partners and SHN members to develop a best practice guide for the mid-market rent sector. Mid-market rent (MMR) housing has been around in Scotland for many year
More vulnerable people have been able to remain independently in their homes throughout Argyll and Bute and much-needed improvements have been made to existing private housing stock, thanks to the council-managed Private Sector Housing Grant (PSHG).
More landlords and tenants are opting to solve disputes independently, saving them weeks of waiting and potential stress caused by lengthy formal processes, new figures from SafeDeposits Scotland have revealed. Between April and June, the Glasgow-based tenancy deposit scheme saw the percentage
The Joseph Rowntree Foundation (JRF), in partnership with the Scottish Government, has appointed a multi-disciplinary research team to deliver a new project exploring what people living on a low income want to see from further reform to the private rented sector in Scotland.