Rettie has hired Daniel Cohen as an associate director from Nicol Estate Agents, as the property firm looks to further strengthen its leadership team in the Southside of Glasgow. Mr Cohen will be based at Rettie’s Newton Mearns office, working closely with area director Kay Blair who joined fr
Private renters in Wales could soon see significant changes to their rights after the Senedd’s Local Government and Housing Committee endorsed calls for the Welsh Government to extend tenant protections. In a report published this week, the committee has made 13 recommendations set to sh
A "punishing" regulatory framework for Edinburgh’s self-catering sector will cost jobs and do nothing to resolve the city's housing crisis, a trade association has warned after a new study found further reductions in short-term lets could cost Edinburgh's economy £57 million.
Edinburgh letting agent Clan Gordon has been shortlisted in two categories at The Negotiator Awards 2024. Competing for both the Regional – Scotland and Lettings Agency of the Year (Medium) awards, this recognition highlights Clan Gordon’s dedication to excellence in property management
Edinburgh-based property expert Ben Di Rollo and businessman Ronnie Napier have co-founded a new residential property agency which has pledged to bring an innovative, client-focused approach to residential property sales and new build marketing services.
The City of Edinburgh Council has become the first local authority to back a motion in support of rent controls since the introduction of the Scottish Government's new Housing Bill.
The UK Government has been urged to assess the "inadequacy and volatility" of the Local Housing Allowance (LHA) in the wake of new private rent inflation figures.
New research on Scottish tenancy reform has highlighted how significant changes to private rented legislation have delivered improvements in Scotland, but emphasises the urgent need for stronger measures to ensure renters are protected.
Short-term let (STL) operators in Edinburgh will now be able to apply for planning permission before their licences are determined following a successful legal challenge.
The Upper Tribunal for Scotland has allowed an appeal by a landlord ordered to pay over £5,000 to her former student tenants after finding that the First-tier Tribunal had inadequate evidence to reach the conclusions it did.
Scotland’s trade union leaders and Living Rent have urged the Scottish Government to reaffirm its commitment to introducing rent controls.
Perth & Kinross Council has voted against plans to introduce a short-term let control area in the region.
Demand for rental properties continues apace in Scotland’s Private Rental Sector as legislation to control rents in market hotspots continues through Parliament. According to the latest quarterly report from Citylets, the rate of annual rental growth however continues to ease within major citi
The number of households renting privately in Scotland has increased by 9.5% in just over a decade, according to new statistics from the 2022 Census.
Family business At Home in Edinburgh has been shortlisted in The Herald Property Awards for Scotland 2024, for Residential Letting Team of the Year - sponsored by SafeDeposits Scotland. The shortlisting is a fantastic achievement for the team of just four, led by husband-and-wife duo Rick and Vicky