Members of the Living Rent tenants’ union dropped a banner at Victoria Street in Edinburgh to call for the council to keep its commitment to regulate short-term lets (STLs) in the city.
The Scottish and UK governments are collaborating on a legislative reform aiming to restrict landlords from excluding families, benefit recipients and pet owners from renting properties.
A private landlord who was removed from the landlord register because her local authority did not consider her a fit and proper person has successfully petitioned for judicial review of an Upper Tribunal decision upholding that decision.
Ahead of Scottish Government legislation expected later in this Parliamentary term, CIH Scotland has today published a discussion paper setting out considerations as to the scope and feasibility of a regulator for the private rented sector (PRS). In its report, CIH Scotland notes the Scottish Govern
Emergency measures to protect tenants during the cost of living crisis, including the private rent cap and additional eviction protections, will be extended for a final six months if approved by Parliament. In an answer to a question in Holyrood this week, tenants’ rights minister Patrick Harv
Rent controls and political uncertainty are affecting investor appetite to fund and deliver Build-to-Rent (BtR) homes in Scotland, according to a new report.
A couple who moved into a property in order to redecorate it for its owners and subsequently refused to move out have lost an appeal against a sheriff’s decision that they occupied the property under a licence agreement rather than a private residential tenancy.
Citizens Advice Scotland (CAS) is calling for a ban on landlords who evict tenants illegally as part of a five-point plan to strengthen the private rented sector.
The average property to rent in Scotland passed the £1,000 mark for the first time in Q1 2023 and the annual rate of growth has continued to climb Year on Year (YOY), according to new research from Citylets.
A tenant of a property in Cambuslang has been refused permission to appeal against his eviction and a payment order by the Upper Tribunal for Scotland after it found that no arguable ground of appeal had been made out.
Lloyds Banking Group and homelessness charity Crisis have joined forces in a new two-year partnership to help tackle the shortage of good quality, affordable homes in Great Britain, which is leaving hundreds of thousands of people trapped in homelessness.
Rent controls and political uncertainty are affecting investor appetite to fund and deliver Build-to-Rent (BtR) homes in Scotland, according to a new report published today by the Scottish Property Federation in association with researchers Rettie & Co.
An Aberdeenshire landlord who was ordered to pay £2,400 to her South African tenant after being found in breach of tenancy deposit regulations has been refused permission to challenge the decision.
Early data into Scotland's private rented sector has reported a small increase in properties since the introduction of the Scottish Government’s rent freeze. Minister for tenants’ rights Patrick Harvie said administrative figures showed a small increase in private rented accommodati
Private rent increases will be capped at 3% and restrictions on the enforcement of evictions will remain in place under measures approved yesterday by MSPs.