Demand for advice around illegal eviction in the private rented sector jumped by 42% in the Scottish CAB network over the course of the year to this summer, according to new data released today by Citizens Advice Scotland.
The First-tier Tribunal for Scotland has ordered two landlords, one in Glasgow and another in Edinburgh, to pay at least double the amount of tenancy deposits withheld from their tenants after finding them in breach of the Tenancy Deposit Schemes (Scotland) Regulations 2011.
Glasgow City Council's licensing committee has removed a woman from the register of private landlords after “extensive signs” of damp mould were discovered on the walls of a flat.
An application by two landlords for permission to appeal a decision of the First-tier Tribunal for Scotland that they had failed to comply with the terms of a Repairing Standard Enforcement Order has been refused by a sheriff of the Upper Tribunal for Scotland.
Average rents in Scotland for new tenancies in the private rented sector have risen by double digits for the third time in a row since the introduction of the Cost of Living (Tenant Protection) (Scotland) Act 2022, according to new figures.
A landlord who was ordered to pay £4,000 to two former tenants after being found in breach of tenancy deposit regulations has had the sum reduced by £1,500 on appeal to the Upper Tribunal for Scotland.
A landlord who failed to carry out fire alarm safety checks has been refused a licence by Glasgow City Council’s licensing committee.
A sheriff in the Upper Tribunal for Scotland has allowed an appeal by a landlord who was refused an order for possession by the First-tier Tribunal after it ruled that he had not made out the eviction ground of intention to demolish or remodel the let property.
Mactaggart & Mickel Group has completed a £4.25 million acquisition of a rental property scheme at Love Loan, a modern neighbourhood development in Glasgow's city centre. Situated just off George Square, the development includes 12 one to four-bedroom furnished apartments within the refurb
Owners of short-term let properties are being urged to apply for a licence under Scotland’s short-term licensing scheme before the 1 October 2023 deadline. Short-term let hosts must apply for a licence with their relevant local authority before the deadline. Anyone who operated a short-term le
Members of the Living Rent tenants’ union dropped a banner at Victoria Street in Edinburgh to call for the council to keep its commitment to regulate short-term lets (STLs) in the city.
The Scottish and UK governments are collaborating on a legislative reform aiming to restrict landlords from excluding families, benefit recipients and pet owners from renting properties.
A private landlord who was removed from the landlord register because her local authority did not consider her a fit and proper person has successfully petitioned for judicial review of an Upper Tribunal decision upholding that decision.
Ahead of Scottish Government legislation expected later in this Parliamentary term, CIH Scotland has today published a discussion paper setting out considerations as to the scope and feasibility of a regulator for the private rented sector (PRS). In its report, CIH Scotland notes the Scottish Govern
Emergency measures to protect tenants during the cost of living crisis, including the private rent cap and additional eviction protections, will be extended for a final six months if approved by Parliament. In an answer to a question in Holyrood this week, tenants’ rights minister Patrick Harv