The Upper Tribunal for Scotland has ruled that the First-tier Tribunal erred in questioning the validity of a guarantee agreement between a private landlord and the parent of her tenant in an undefended action by the landlord for payment.
Tenants' union Living Rent has launched a petition in response to the City of Edinburgh Council’s consultation on holiday lets in Edinburgh calling on the council’s Planning Committee to massively reduce the number of homes converted into short-term lets. The tenants union said that the
Tenancy deposit protection scheme SafeDeposits Scotland has introduced a Rent Deposit Fund, which will offer non-returnable deposits to young people who are homeless or at risk of homelessness to assist them in moving into the private rented sector (PRS). The scheme has joined forces with Scottish y
The number of new tenants wanting to register on letting agents’ books has increased by 88% since February from 78 to a new peak in September of 147, according to the newest report from professional estate agent body Propertymark. Whilst the number of tenants home hunting keeps
The City of Edinburgh Council has begun consulting on the capital's planning guidance to be used for new the short-term let control area. This followed new Scottish Government legislation in 2021. In a control area, these new laws mean if you offer a flat or a house for a short term let that is not
A new licensing scheme for short-term let hosts which aims to ensure consistent safety standards while reinforcing the positive reputation of Scottish tourism and hospitality opened on October 1. The Scottish Government said the licensing scheme was developed in response to concerns raised by reside
A corporate landlord that was refused an award of £950 for the repair of a door damaged by police officers executing a drugs search warrant has successfully had the decision re-made by the Upper Tribunal for Scotland. Umali Ltd had been awarded £4,338.60 for rent arrears and other damage
The City of Edinburgh Council’s Regulatory Committee has agreed a new licensing scheme which includes additional controls for short-term lets for properties used as secondary letting within a tenement or shared main door property. The licencing scheme will allow the authority to restrict tenem
The findings and recommendations of Glasgow's Tenant-Led Housing Commission for the city's private rented sector have been unveiled. Established in response to a council motion in December 2020 that stated that 'Glasgow has a rent crisis for many in the private rented sector', Glasgow City Council w
Propertymark has hailed Scotland's short-term let market for leading the way in ensuring an even playing field but has continued its call for further clarification on the definition of a short-term let. Scotland’s Short-Term Lets Licensing Order takes effect on 1 October 2022 wh
Moray Council’s Licensing Committee has moved forward with provisions for short-term let licensing requiring local authorities to introduce a scheme to license people who offer premises on short-term lets. The package approved in Moray includes an application form, guidance, fee proposals
Property agent professional body Propertymark has written to cabinet secretary for social justice, housing and local government Shona Robison to seek clarification on the recent announcement from the Scottish Government on rent freezes and a moratorium of evictions until at least 31 March 2023.
The First-tier Tribunal for Scotland has granted a wrongful termination order under the Private Housing (Tenancies) (Scotland) Act 2016 for payment of £4,800 to a woman who was evicted from an Aberdeen property after being told the property was to be sold. Linzi Catto, the tenant under a priva
A licensing scheme for all short-term lets in Dundee will be introduced on October 1, in line with recent Scottish Government legislation. Before it goes live, Dundee City Council is looking for views on the draft policy statement and proposed additional licensing conditions.
The private rented sector is not the reason for fewer Scottish homeowners, according to analysis of the official data by property firm, DJ Alexander Ltd. The property firm said that the Scottish Government argues that if there was no private rented sector (PRS) then more houses would be available fo