Short term letting company Airbnb is planning to restrict Edinburgh landlords using its platform from renting out flats for longer than 90 days a year as part of a series of proposals which aim to find a balance between serving tourists and residents in the Scottish capital. Setting out recommendati
88 properties have been transformed thanks to help from South Ayrshire Council's Empty Homes programme Owners of unoccupied homes in South Ayrshire are being offered additional help to sell-up to increase the supply of affordable properties to the community.
Robert McLeary A highly respected and active member of the Rutherglen community is set to take up the vacant position on the board of regeneration body Clyde Gateway URC.
Helen Forsyth Berwickshire Housing Association chief executive, Helen Forsyth, is to represent the third sector in a new partnership that aims to devise a fresh approach to economic development in the south of Scotland.
Dave Roberts With the new Treasury Management code due to be published shortly, accountant Dave Roberts outlines the reasons for the changes, what the key changes are likely to be and what RSLs need to do to ensure they comply.
Spare rooms in people’s homes in Glasgow are to be made available to young people facing the prospect of sleeping rough on the street, under a new initiative launch today by homelessness charity Simon Community Scotland. It is widely recognised that the moment a young person begins sleeping rough,
Ambitious plans to make Clydebank the “greenest town in Scotland” have taken another step forward after councillors agreed a deal to purchase land to build a District Heating Network energy centre. Councillors agreed to release £450,000 to buy the required land from Clydeside Regeneration Limit
Orkney Housing Association energy officer Robert Leslie A reduction in fuel poverty in Orkney is a small step in the right direction but lots of work remains to ensure warmth is affordable for its residents, Orkney Housing Association (OHAL) has said.
CCG Asset Management is to commence a new 3 year kitchen replacement contract for Cloch Housing Association. The Greenock-based association is part of the IFLAIR Consortium through which this contract has been procured.
Jeane Freeman Anyone applying for social security assistance under Scotland’s new system will have a right to have someone with them during assessments or meetings, under new plans by the Scottish Government.
Plans have been submitted for a new ‘retirement village’ containing 252 homes and an 80-bed care home in Newton Mearns. Situated off Netherplace Road, Newton Mearns Retirement Village has been conceived by Jewitt & Wilkie Architects on behalf of Newton Mearns Projects to cater exclusively fo
The Scottish Government hosted an energy summit yesterday to challenge the ‘big six’ energy suppliers to do more to help people who are struggling to pay their energy bills. The summit, which was attended by energy suppliers alongside Ofgem and consumer groups, discussed measures to help custome
A housing charity which was set up two years ago to provide much needed mid market rental properties across Scotland has completed its biggest ever deal for a development in Edinburgh. LAR Housing Trust has purchased Westwood House on the city’s Gorgie Road for an undisclosed sum.
Plans to build 186 affordable homes on the former site of a bus depot in Govanhill have been formally submitted to Glasgow City Council. Designed by Mast Architects on behalf of Link Group and Park Lane Larkfield SPV, the project will see 152 flats and 34 houses developed on the former Larkfield bus
Ashley Campbell Housing delivery, homelessness, standards and much more - as we enter 2018, CIH Scotland policy expert Ashley Campbell explores what to look out for.