Over 130 applications were received in the first round of Scottish Borders Council’s new £500,000 Localities Bid Fund. Councillor Sandy Aitchison, executive member for locality services, said: “We are very pleased with the level of interest in the Localities Bid Fund. It is sometimes difficult
Not for profit energy supplier, Our Power has partnered with Money Advice Scotland to tackle the issue of fuel poverty among customers who heat their homes by electric storage heating and are tied into using Restricted Meters. Our Power has launched a variable tariff that offers a fairer energy pric
The Scottish Government has published the country’s first Energy Strategy which it said will strengthen the development of local energy, empower and protect consumers, and support climate change efforts while tackling fuel poverty. The strategy includes a range of actions, including a £20 million
Rt Hon. Henry McLeish The chair of the Scottish Alliance for People and Places and the former First Minister of Scotland, the Rt. Hon. Henry McLeish, has pressed the Scottish Government to be more ambitious on housing in its recently published Planning (Scotland) Bill.
The Scottish Housing Regulator is to continue its engagement with Thistle Housing Association to gain assurance about its handling and completion of investment works. According to an updated regulation plan published by the Regulator, Thistle owns 250 homes within larger mixed tenure blocks that nee
A new energy centre at Queens Quay could start generating heat by Autumn 2018 after planning permission was granted for the development at the £250 million regeneration project on the site of the former John Brown’s shipyard in Clydebank. Construction of the energy centre for the District Heat Ne
Hillcrest Housing Association and Robertson Partnership Homes have teamed up to deliver the much needed gift of affordable housing this Christmas. The development of 138 homes at St Machar Road in Aberdeen is funded through a Scottish Government grant totalling £9,574,100.
South Ayrshire Council has unveiled a three year plan to improve existing housing properties and land, with a below inflation annual rent increase continued to help manage costs. Under the plan, £2.3 million will be invested in double glazing replacements to improve energy efficiency at 500 homes;
The Scottish Housing Regulator has published updated versions of its technical guidance for landlords for both the Energy Efficient Standard for Social Housing (EESSH) and the Scottish Social Housing Charter. The revised EESSH technical guidance reflects the Scottish Government’s updated guidance
Peter Reekie The Board of the Scottish Futures Trust (SFT) has appointed Peter Reekie as the company’s new chief executive.
A final report on the findings of an Incident Management Team set up by NHS Lothian after elevated carbon dioxide levels (CO2) were found in homes in Gorebridge has been considered by Midlothian Council. The team was established to investigate ill health cases affecting residents of a recently built
National Theatre director Beth Morton with Kerr Doctor (left) and Cale Murphy Budding theatre stars took centre stage as they got an exclusive behind the scenes peek at the inner workings of the National Theatre of Scotland.
Kind-hearted staff from Grampian Housing Association (GHA) have donated £200 and shopping essentials worth more than £130 as part of the organisation’s efforts to help local children and families in need this Christmas. Cash for presents has been donated to Cash for Kids’ Mission Christmas App
David Knight, Avant Homes Scotland managing director Stirling-based homebuilder Avant Homes has been granted planning permission to build 121 new homes for a £35.2 million development in Dargavel Village in Bishopton, Renfrewshire.
An aerial view of the Kingdom Park development site in Kirkcaldy Fife Council has given the green light to public art plans that will pave the way for new housing developments in Kirkcaldy and Glenrothes, The Courier has reported.