First Minister Nicola Sturgeon during a visit to Streetwork in November Additional capacity for night shelters and extra staff to help get more people into accommodation are among the actions being taken to tackle rough sleeping this winter.
The Sleep in the Park event was headlined by Liam Gallagher A festive fundraising campaign to tackle homelessness in Scotland which saw thousands of people sleep rough for a night in Edinburgh has raised more than £4 million.
Andy Wightman Fuel poverty will not be eliminated in Scotland until the government takes action to fix the one in two homes that have issues with weather-tightness and structural stability, a Green MSP has warned.
A housing manufacturer has struck a deal with Scottish Land and Estates to offer Scottish landowners the chance to boost rural incomes, deliver affordable housing, and sustain local communities though its new affordable homes programme. Clyde Homes Limited delivers factory built affordable homes for
A residential development in Haddington that includes a new primary school is making considerable progress with the introduction of a second developer. Included in recent milestones at the Letham Mains site, CALA Homes (East) is looking to split its previously approved original share of 376 homes, w
Kevin Stewart Community projects from Argyll and Bute to Shetland will share around £312,000 to regenerate their neighbourhoods, local government minister Kevin Stewart has announced.
Housing and care provider Bield made sure that no-one was left feeling lonely this Christmas with a number of events throughout its developments. Staff and tenants at the Castlebrae Glebe supported housing accommodation in Craigmillar organised a lonely scheme, which runs all year round and, this ye
Assistant Manager Laura McGarvey models a warrior costume Today’s the day that the discerning charity shop bargain-hunter makes their way to the doors of Shelter Scotland’s store in Edinburgh’s Stockbridge.
Port of Leith Housing Association has been awarded Gold by Investors in People (IIP) under its new framework for business improvement through people in the UK. Achieving the Gold Accreditation puts PoLHA in the top 7% of all IIP Accredited organisations for exceptional leading, supporting and managi
Housebuilder Springfield Properties has completed a further 25 homes at its Muirhouse development in Edinburgh in partnership with Dunedin Canmore. A mix of one bedroom cottage flats and two-bedroom terrace homes have been handed over to social housing providers Dunedin Canmore, part of the Wheatley
Housing minister Kevin Stewart Housing minister Kevin Stewart on why the Scottish Government is giving both property factors and homeowners the opportunity to respond to its consultation on a draft revised Code of Conduct.
Living Rent organised a protest at the block in October Partick Housing Association has denied claims by Living Rent that the tenants’ union won a promise of “massive rent reductions” in one of the Association’s block of flats.
Plans have been submitted to Aberdeenshire Council to turn a former Inverurie care home into affordable housing, the Evening Express has reported. The proposal would see the 37-bedroom former Blythewood Care Home in Port Elphinstone converted into flats.
Archie Waters Archie Waters from The Dispute Centre provides a piece for the Scottish Alliance for People and Places about the potential role of mediation in the planning system.
Bill Glen with deputy manager of Carntyne Gardens Carol Harvey A 96-year-old Glaswegian has just published his first novel – which centres on a fight between South American drug barons.