Local people will attend a public consultation event next week as Fife Council considers plans to create new homes for social rent in Leven. The local authority is planning to purchase completed units from a private developer and then make them available for social rent. Staff from Fife Council's Af
A councillor on Dumfries and Galloway Council has criticised the Scottish Government for cutting its contribution to the council's discretionary housing payment (DHP) fund. Cllr Colin Smyth, chairman of the welfare reform subcommittee on Dumfries and Galloway Council, told the Daily Record that the
Spot checks and bans on collecting rent are being deployed as part of a Glasgow City Council initiative to crack down on landlords running an HMO without a license. Scotland's largest local government body will allow licensing staff to make spot checks on licensed properties in future to ensure they
The Green Party of England and Wales has launched a manifesto with "policies to make housing affordable and sustainable, to make sure there is enough to go round, and to provide better quality and greater security in the private rented sector". The left-wing party has pledged to increase the social
Tenants of Maryhill Housing Association are set to benefit from the continued work of its Financial Inclusion Service following new grants. The housing association has won £155,161 in funding to support its financial inclusion work - including £117,819 from the Scottish Legal Aid Board and a furth
Graeme Russell, housing services director at the Dunedin Canmore Group has left the housing association after 32 years of service. Graeme enjoyed a long career at Dunedin Canmore, a key provider of housing and related services in Edinburgh, the Lothians and Fife with around 5,500 properties.
Councillors in Dundee will have a second opportunity to vote on a planning application for development of 365 new homes at the western edge of the city. Springfield Properties Plc's latest application will be considered by Dundee City Council's development management committee next Monday. A previou
The Conservative Party's manifesto for the general election in May includes a commitment to expanding the Right to Buy to housing association tenants. The policy, which was floated in the press earlier this year, would see up to 1.3 million families in England who are housing association tenants gai
The Federation of Master Builders (FMB) has welcomed the Labour Party's commitment to build 200,000 new homes a year by 2020. Labour leader Ed Miliband (pictured) launched the party's Westminster manifesto in Manchester yesterday. The manifesto pledge to build 200,000 homes a year will, according to
The latest House Prices Index bulletin from the UK government's Office of National Statistics (ONS) showed house price annual inflation at 6.4 per cent in Scotland. The rate is down from 7.8 per cent in the year to January 2015.
Planning approval has been granted to David Wilson Homes for a development of 138 two-, three- and four-bedroom homes in Strathaven. The developer, which says the project will bring more than £14 million in new investment to the area, will begin work on the Lauder Gardens scheme this Autumn ahead o
North Lanarkshire Council has secured the prestigious team of the year award at the National Green Deal & ECO Awards. The council's Local Homes energy team secured first place against competition from across Scotland for providing heating solutions and practical energy-saving tips, as well as in
The Scottish National Party (SNP) has made a general election pledge to support the construction of new affordable housing in Scotland. Speaking at Springfield Properties in Braehead today, deputy first minister John Swinney (pictured) outlined the party's support for small businesses and said he wo
The Scottish Government's Help to Adapt scheme has been launched in twelve pilot local authority areas, with managing agent Link Group Ltd helping older people to adapt their home. The Help to Adapt initiative will see homeowners aged 60 or over encouraged to adapt their homes to enable their long-t
Rental costs in Aberdeen have fallen over the past year according to a new report by Lettingstats, the research arm of letting agent Lettingweb. The average advertised monthly rent for a two-bedroom property in Scotland was up 6.8 per cent year-on-year to £654 by the December-February quarter, but