Two new build projects by Eildon Housing Association (pictured) are in the running for a Best Development award in the prestigious Scottish Homes Awards.
An affordable housing development in Kirkintilloch is to be opened by Trust Housing Association and East Dunbartonshire Council next week.
Kilmarnock-based social landlord Atrium Homes has extended its Money Advice Service until September 2016 following the receipt of additional funding from the Scottish Legal Aid Board (SLAB). The new award for the successful service, which launched in Autumn 2013, builds on a previous SLAB grant in O
Kingdom Housing Association is to build 49 new, badly needed affordable homes for rent in Cupar at a cost of £6 million following approval of the planning in principle application by Fife Council.
Kevin Lynch Fife Housing Group (FHG) has appointed Kevin Lynch as its new director of asset & commercial business.
Cabinet secretary Alex Neil is joined by West Lothian Housing Partnership's John Hill, GHA chair Gordon Sloan, Cube chair Liz Ruine, Wheatley Group chief executive Martin Armstrong, Loretto's Douglas Robin, welfare benefit advisors and modern apprentices Wheatley Group has helped tenants access £12
Fife Council is to spend £2.6 million on making local homes warmer, more environmentally friendly and cheaper to heat. The council will undertake a number of projects across Fife to install energy saving measures as part of the Scottish Government’s programme to tackle fuel poverty and increase e
ANCHO has been awarded £80,000 from the Scottish Government’s People in Communities Fund for the year 2015/16. The organisation is one of only 197 across Scotland to have been allocated funding to help change disadvantaged communities by providing local projects to tackle poverty and promote soci
Bellrock Close A £6.7 million housing complex has been helping veterans who struggle with civilian life since it opened in Glasgow in October last year.
Partick Harvie MSP at the community growing project Patrick Harvie MSP for Glasgow, and co-convenor of the Scottish Green Party paid a visit to Partick Housing Association after hearing about successes in housing and community development.
Linstone Housing is holding a consultation event about proposals for older persons’ housing at Belmar Court in Linwood on Wednesday 29th April from 2pm to 4pm in the Tweedie Hall. This event will include presentations and also workshop discussion sessions, will give people an opportunity to hear m
West Dunbartonshire Council has launched an online survey into its housing policy. The survey, which runs until May 29, comes as the council reviews its housing allocations policy.
Trust Housing Association has announced the appointment of Rhona McLeod as its new chief executive following a highly competitive and rigorous interview process. Bringing with her a wealth of experience from the Health Care sector, Rhona has worked in a variety of roles within operational management
Ian Williams One in seven Scots say they borrowed money last month to buy food, according to research carried out on behalf of debt advice and solutions provider Debt Advisory Centre Scotland (DACS).
Kay Blair The Scottish Housing Regulator (SHR) has launched its new Corporate Plan which sets out how it will continue its work to safeguard and promote the interests of tenants, homeless people and others who use social landlords’ services.