
28636-28650 of 28750 Articles
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The average price for a city home in Scotland has increased 7 per cent on last year, according to the Bank of Scotland Affordable Cities Review. The deterioration of home affordability for city dwellers in Scotland means the average price (£175,962) stands at 5.24 times gross annual average earnin

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Housing and care provider Blackwood has continued its winning streak for innovation by providing its residents with a unique form of therapy. The Maclehose court development, in Greenock, recently introduced 10 chicks to the home as part of a two week project set up by educational company, Living Eg

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Tenants of a retirement housing development in Dunbar have been doing their bit for charity by donating gifts to underprivileged children in Malawi. The Southfield Court development, managed by care and housing provider Bield, began their charity work after hearing of ‘Mary’s Meals’, a charity

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Do you have a Scrutiny Story to tell? TIS are producing a publication to share scrutiny good practice with social landlord and tenant organisations across Scotland. The stories will highlight examples of successful approaches to Tenant Scrutiny, show how this was achieved and inspire you to continue

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Prospect Community Housing has demonstrated its commitment to equality and diversity by signing up to the CIH Equality and Diversity Charter. By signing up to the charter Prospect is making a commitment to deliver a fair and accessible housing service which is clearly focused on outcomes for staff,

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A course that uses the game of Rugby to teach participants crucial life lessons and core values is helping unemployed people find work in two of Scotland’s largest cities. Over 20 unemployed men and women are currently halfway through an 8-week employability programme which uses the values of rugb

28636-28650 of 28750 Articles