Hattie Kennedy, digital inclusion co-ordinator, Queens Cross Housing Association (left), shows tenant, Mary Bradley how to get connected Queens Cross Housing Association has launched a history project with a difference at an event at Glasgow’s historic Mitchell Library.
Aberdeenshire’s Proposed Local Development Plan has now been published and is available for public comment until May 8. It represents the “settled view” of Aberdeenshire Council and identifies sites for development and the policies to be used when making decisions on planning applications.
A social enterprise has helped around 4,500 elderly and disabled people repair and improve their homes in the past year. Aberdeen Care and Repair is a social enterprise service providing free advice and technical assistance on home repairs, improvements and adaptations for over 60s and disabled peop
Moss Heights in Cardonald A two year project has started to record the social history of Glasgow’s notorious high-rise flats for the first time.
Iain Duncan Smith The Conservatives are considering cuts of up to £80 a week for sick and disabled claimants if they win the election, plans leaked to the BBC have revealed.
As many as 70 workers in Glasgow's homeless service are to go on strike on Tuesday over a pay dispute with the city council. STV has reported that the workers, all members of the UNISON trade union, will take the action over the council's job evaluation scheme, claiming they are not paid enough comp
Cube project officer Lindsey Ogilvie, left, and British Gas resident liaison officer Claire Mitchell celebrate work starting with Cube tenant Isabel MacPherson Three communities in Glasgow will benefit from a massive £11 million investment to make homes more energy efficient.
Room for all: Among the complex’s many facilities is a warm and welcoming communal area where residents can mix and events can be held South Lanarkshire Council’s newest sheltered housing complex has been singled out for praise by the Scottish Government’s minister for housing and welfare.
Hjaltland Housing Association (HHA) has been awarded a substantial lottery grant worth £375,793 to help fund a project to support young people coming out of care. The money will help the housing association to continue with its Hub Project, run and funded in conjunction with Shetland Islands Counci
Care and housing provider Bield is celebrating news that their 24 hour emergency alarm receiving centre - has received its 10th annual accreditation from a leading telecare body. The Telecare Services Association (TSA) has awarded Bield Response 24, also known as ‘BR24’, with the accreditation a
Fife Council has selected Kingdom Housing Association as its Delivery Partner for a major redevelopment scheme in Inverkeithing that will see the demolition of existing flats and the construction of up to 200 new homes over the next four years at an estimated cost of around £15 million. The council
Sheltered housing tenants of ng homes took part in a hearing aid maintenance clinic recently run by Action on Hearing Loss at Barloch Street in Possilpark. At the clinic, tenants were provided with new batteries and replacement tubing for their hearing aids. Tuning and volume controls were also chec
Consultancy Dunfermline Housing Finance (DHF) has reminded RSLs that 31 March is an important date relating to claims for fixed rate overcharges or even mis-selling of interest rate swaps. A Financial Conduct Authority-led initiative requires many RSLs to submit a request for a review of arrangement
(left to right) Stirling Council’s housing manager John Macmillan, Stirling Council leader Cllr Johannna Boyd, Derek Cramb of Hadden Construction Ltd and Stirling Council’s housing convenor, Cllr Violet Weir Stirling Council is to build ten new council homes in Balfron to meet the demand for soc
Ferguslie Park Housing Association (FPHA) hosted a community event which saw the association continue its excellent long standing working relationship with Police Scotland. The Choices for Life Event held at The Tannahill Centre in Paisley, which is managed by FPHA, focussed on the variety of good w