Transport and waste management organisation Gogar Services is providing waterproof care packages for homeless veterans as part of Aberdeenshire Council’s contract and tendering process. Gogar Services worked with the Knights Templar Goodwill Charity of Scotland to put together packages t
Aberdeenshire Council
Aberdeenshire Council’s latest five-year plan for the development of housing across the area has been published.
Work to reduce child poverty across Aberdeenshire communities is continuing, as a report of activity over the past year is published. The Aberdeenshire Child Poverty Action Report 2023-2024, led by Aberdeenshire Council and NHS Grampian, highlights past and planned efforts to support children and fa
An opportunity has arisen for someone to purchase the Macduff Town Hall which has become surplus to requirements. Aberdeenshire Council’s Estates Team is seeking offers for the property that would lend itself to a number of commercial, residential or community uses.
Plans for a mix of private and affordable homes in Turriff submitted by Springfield Properties, have been approved by Aberdeenshire Council.
Almost £2 million of funding for a wide range of projects to support ongoing work to tackle poverty and inequalities in Aberdeenshire has been approved. The budget was agreed by Aberdeenshire Council’s Communities Committee as councillors heard an update on the progress of work undertake
Aberdeenshire Council budgets for the coming year have been set this month. Councillors met and debated how much to spend on services as part of revenue budgets, the capital plan, the housing revenue account, and carbon commitments in the coming year.
Aberdeenshire Council is to be recommended to increase council rents by 5% in each of the next three years, as a result of detailed discussions involving tenants. The recommendation will be made by the council’s Communities Committee, which considered the findings of a working group involving
A vacant school in Inverurie will be demolished by early 2024, with housing suggested as a use for the site, the local authority has confirmed. The St Andrews School building in the town centre has been earmarked for demolition, with Aberdeenshire Council now looking to hire a contractor. A loc
An Aberdeenshire Self-Build Register has just been launched. It asks people to provide their basic information and what type of plot they are looking for.
It is difficult to remember a time when global, UK and national events have aligned so acutely to heap even more pressure on Scotland's local housing systems. Committed professional sectors from across the housing, homelessness and refugee sectors gathered at Scotland's Annual Homelessness Conferenc
The work that has taken place over the past year to tackle child poverty in Aberdeenshire, and details of new and ongoing initiatives, have been published in the latest Child Poverty Local Action Report. Prepared by the Tackling Poverty & Inequalities Strategic Partnership, and involving those w
There’s still time to share views about Aberdeenshire’s Strategic Housing Investment Plan, or SHIP, which details the potential affordable housing investment programme across the area from 2024-2029. The plan sets out the strategic approach Aberdeenshire Council and its partners will tak
Aberdeenshire Council has confirmed that the much-anticipated Stonehaven Flood Protection Scheme has been completed.
The Aberdeenshire Local Action Group’s Rural Communities Challenge Fund 2023-24 is now live and open for applications. The scheme delivers funding from the Scottish Government’s Rural Community Led Local Development programme.