Accounts Commission

76-84 of 84 Articles
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A lack of national leadership and clear planning is preventing the wider change urgently needed if Scotland’s health and social care services are to adapt to increasing pressures, according to a report. The increasing numbers of frail, older people with complex health needs is among the challenges

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The City of Edinburgh Council is on a "far sounder financial footing" than a year ago after making considerable progress towards balancing its books, according to a report from the Accounts Commission. The local authority watchdog raised significant concerns in December 2014 over the council's finan

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The Accounts Commission has urged Scotland’s local authorities to further improve the way they manage major projects like schools, roads, housing and flood prevention. Over the last three years councils spent £7 billion on capital investment - more than half of Scottish public sector capital expe

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Argyll and Bute Council has made solid improvement but needs to build on this for the future, according to a new report from the Accounts Commission. Published today, the report by the local government watchdog welcomes progress since 2013 in the council's decision making, scrutiny, governance, and

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Significant risks must be addressed if a major reform of health and social care is to fundamentally change how services are delivered, and improve outcomes for the people who use them, Audit Scotland has warned. Integrating health and social care services is a key Scottish Government policy, focusse

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The Moray Council needs to “significantly increase” the pace of change and improvement if it is to build on the progress made over the last two years, according to the Accounts Commission. A report published by the watchdog today looks at developments since a 2013 audit on how the council was me

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Aberdeen City Council has improved how it is run in recent years and has plans for further changes but a great deal more work is needed to deliver these, according to the Accounts Commission. A new report out today examines progress at the council following changes in management structures and polit

76-84 of 84 Articles