Aileen Evans Members of the Chartered Institute of Housing (CIH) have chosen Aileen Evans as the organisation’s next vice president.
Lynn McCulloch Arklet Housing Association has announced the appointment of Lynn McCulloch as interim director.
Keith Henderson has been appointed as the permanent head of service for ANCHO as the Association prepares for a new partnership with Cairn Housing Association. Bringing a range of skills and experience from various roles at ANCHO and other social landlords in Ayrshire, Keith has been undertaking the
Departing operations director Mike Crozier (centre) with his successor Diana MacLean and chief executive Mike Bruce Weslo Housing Management has announced the appointment of Diana MacLean as its new operations director.
Nikki Bridle Nikki Bridle has been appointed as chief executive of Clackmannanshire Council.
Lindsay Wake Responsible finance provider, Social Investment Scotland (SIS), has appointed three new members to its commercial team, following continued growth in customer lending.
Angela Taylor, BHA’s new property director Berwickshire Housing Association (BHA) has appointed Angela Taylor as its new property director as well as a raft of new members to its Board of Trustees.
Shona Gallagher and Derek McGowan have been appointed as new Board members at West of Scotland Housing Association (WSHA). Both bring a great deal of knowledge and experience to the Board and are passionate about making a difference to tenants and communities.
Gail Sherriff Linthouse Housing Association (LHA) has announced the appointment of Gail Sherriff as its new director of asset management and depute CEO.
Robin Presswood Dundee City Council has announced the appointment of Robin Presswood as its new executive director of city development.
Kit Malthouse Kit Malthouse MP has been appointed as the new minister of state for housing in England, the fifth minister to hold the position in the last three years.
Catrina Miller Ferguslie Park Housing Association (FPHA) has appointed Catrina Miller as its new group chief executive.
Marian Reid Osprey Housing Group has strengthened its Board with the appointment of a vastly experienced sector specialist.
First Minister Nicola Sturgeon has appointed Aileen Campbell as the new cabinet secretary for communities and local government while Kevin Stewart is to remain as housing minister. The Scottish Government reshuffle sees five new cabinet secretaries appointed, with the overall size of the cabinet inc
Dr Grace Vickers Councillors have approved the appointment of Dr Grace Vickers as Midlothian Council's new chief executive.