
826-840 of 1050 Articles
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CIH Scotland has confirmed the appointment of three new board members. Joining the board are Sandra McLeod of River Clyde Homes, Phillip Morrison-Gale from Hjaltland Housing Association and housing consultant Graeme Hamilton. These appointments take place after the CIH AGM which will be held later t

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Calvay Housing Association has announced the appointment of Nick Dangerfield as its new director following the retirement of previous director, Michael Dawson. The Association recorded its thanks to Michael for his commitment over the last 18 years and wished him well in his retirement.

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Keith Henderson has been appointed as the permanent head of service for ANCHO as the Association prepares for a new partnership with Cairn Housing Association. Bringing a range of skills and experience from various roles at ANCHO and other social landlords in Ayrshire, Keith has been undertaking the

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Departing operations director Mike Crozier (centre) with his successor Diana MacLean and chief executive Mike Bruce Weslo Housing Management has announced the appointment of Diana MacLean as its new operations director.

826-840 of 1050 Articles