
151-165 of 192 Articles
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Specialist heating contractors from across Scotland are being invited to submit bids to take part in a new £600 million procurement framework specifically designed to help registered social landlords meet their obligations under the Energy Efficiency Standard for Social Housing (EESSH). The new fra

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Sam Lister As the build up to next month’s general election continues, CIH policy and practice officer Sam Lister takes a closer look at what we’re asking for on welfare policy – one of our key election priorities.

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John Perry There is no doubt that the introduction of document checks has increased the incentive for landlords to discriminate. So what can be done? CIH policy adviser John Perry explains.

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CIH is in a unique position to look at how housing policy is changing across the UK. With a policy presence in each nation it can take a look at the big picture. So what’s happening, what’s different, and what’s the same? Jon Barnes takes a look at the findings of CIH’s recent briefing for m

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A DBS affordable housing development in Narol Following a trip to India earlier this year, CIH South East international group's Vipul Thacker guest blogs about what we can learn from the country's efforts to improve its affordable housing offer.

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Terrie Alafat Tenants who receive the Local Housing Allowance (LHA) face an increasingly widening gap between the help with their housing costs and the actual rent they pay, new Chartered Institute of Housing (CIH) research has found.

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Terrie Alafat A report which raises a number of issues relating to plans to extend the Right to Buy to 1.3 million housing association tenants in England has been welcomed by the Chartered Institute of Housing (CIH).

151-165 of 192 Articles