Brandon Lewis Higher earning tenants living in social housing in England will pay a higher level of rent to continue living there, under new proposals unveiled by the UK government.
Philip Hogg The home building industry in Scotland has urged the Scottish Government to follow Prime Minister David Cameron in acting boldly to help meet the home owning aspirations of the majority of Scots.
Gavin Smart The number of households accepted as homeless across England has increased by five per cent, according to official figures.
Judy Waugh Housing could face a skills shortage unless the industry redoubles its efforts to attract young talent according to the Chartered Institute of Housing (CIH).
John Perry Up to 20,000 refugees will be resettled in Britain from Syria. How can social landlords engage with this and other schemes to help people who are on their way or already here? CIH policy adviser John Perry shares his assessment.
The UK government’s pledge that a new home would be built to replace every one sold under its Right to Buy policy has fallen dramatically short, new figures have revealed. Statistics released by the Department for Communities and Local Government show that 2,779 homes were sold by councils through
The vital work that housing professionals and organisations carry out is to be celebrated at an annual awards ceremony in Edinburgh. Radio Forth’s Arlene Stuart will be on hand to present the prizes which recognise the impact housing professionals and organisations have on people and communities a
Greg Clark Landlords across the UK will be expected to evict tenants who lose the right to live in the UK under new measures to clamp down on illegal immigration.
Gavin Smart, CIH deputy chief executive Some parts of England will become "off-limits for larger families" when the overall benefit cap is lowered, the Chartered Institute of Housing (CIH) has said.
Gavin Smart The UK government is to press ahead with proposals to introduce a seven-day waiting period before claimants are eligible for Universal Credit.
Tricia O'Keefe The Chartered Institute of Housing (CIH) is expanding its support for housing professionals in the Republic of Ireland by appointing Tricia O’Keefe as professional development co-ordinator.
The UK government unveiled more details of its Housing Bill during the Queen’s Speech yesterday but the plans have been greeted with a mixed reaction. The bill aims to make home ownership an attainable aspiration and contains further measures to deliver an extra 200,000 new homes through the new S
Geraldine Howley has been appointed president of the Chartered Institute of Housing (CIH) following the organisation’s AGM. Geraldine, who is chief executive of Bradford-based housing group Incommunities and has been CIH vice president for the past 12 months, takes over the role from Steve Stride.
Annie Mauger Following last year’s referendum on independence for Scotland and the SNP surge in the General Election, what does the future hold for the make-up of the UK? Annie Mauger, director of CIH’s national business units, shares her views ahead of Housing 2015.
Terrie Alafat New CIH chief executive Terrie Alafat reflects on her first month at the helm.