Glasgow City Mission’s winter project has now started its third week and has already engaged with and helped 56 guests.
Shelter Scotland led a protest outside Edinburgh City Chambers yesterday calling for Scottish Ministers and the Scottish Housing Regulator to "immediately intervene" amid claims the City of Edinburgh Council voted to suspend lifeline housing rights until March 2028. Calling for special measures to b
As housing and homelessness organisations call on the Scottish Government to publicly commit to defending legal rights to safe and suitable housing, Mhairi Snowden, head of policy and programmes at Homeless Network Scotland, said urgent reassurance is required. It is vital that we keep the housing r
Housing and homelessness organisations across Scotland have this morning written to Shirley-Anne Somerville urging the Scottish Government to publicly commit to defending legal rights to safe and suitable housing.
Founder of Scottish business itison, Oli Norman, has spoken out about the "devastating" level of poverty in Scotland as the company relaunched its £5 Christmas appeal in partnership with Social Bite in a bid to raise thousands for people who are vulnerable and homeless this winter. The annual
New research by The Salvation Army has estimated that as many as 8,000 working people in Scotland will be homeless this Christmas.
Global apparel retailer UNIQLO has announced a partnership with Social Bite offering the distribution of over 2,500 HEATTECH items - innovative thermal clothing that converts body moisture into heat - across Scotland to support individuals affected by homelessness this winter. This winter, UNIQLO wi
Grant funding of £1 million will be made available to registered social landlords and third sector partners to fund work to help sustain tenancies and prevent homelessness, the Scottish Government has announced. The funding was announced by social justice secretary Shirley-Anne Somerville as p
Legislation to strengthen tenants’ rights and prevent homelessness has passed Stage 1 in the Scottish Parliament.
Homelessness prevention charity Right There has received outstanding results from the Care Inspectorate for two of its housing services. The unannounced inspection of Orkney Young Person’s Accommodation Service resulted in the service being graded fives across the board. Services are gra
More than 240 people died while homeless in Scotland for the second year in a row while the number who died from drug misuse deaths whilst experiencing homelessness increased by 36%, new figures have revealed.
A prison rehabilitation scheme has donated 50 sleep pods to Aberdeen Cyrenians to protect rough sleepers in severe weather.
The Scottish Government has been accused of presiding over “disgraceful” waits in temporary housing after figures revealed people are waiting years for a permanent home.
Glasgow City Mission is to relaunch its Winter Project on December 2nd, the charity has confirmed. For more than a decade, the Winter Project has minimised the need for people to sleep rough during the worst of Glasgow’s winter weather.
A social enterprise known for transforming the lives of people experiencing homelessness through barista training has launched a new impact programme in Scotland this month.