The Faculty of Advocates Criminal Bar Association (FACBA) has donated £2,000 to Homeless Project Scotland, a Glasgow-based charity that provides support to people facing housing insecurity. Among the services it provides to the homeless are regular soup kitchens, where additional support is gi
A bid to bring homes into the ownership of West Dunbartonshire Council to increase the number of properties available and reduce homelessness is making progress with a dedicated officer now appointed to lead the scheme.
Work is due to begin on developing seven new one-bed small homes as Places for People expands its homelessness accommodation and support services for homeless people in Bristol.
Claims by the Scottish Government that progress is being made towards ending homelessness and building social housing look like an attempt to gaslight the Scottish public, Shelter Scotland told MSPs in Parliament yesterday. The housing charity made the claim after new figures showed local government
Malcolm Page leads a call from The Salvation Army for a system to be put in place that measures and records rough sleeping in Scotland. Publication of Scotland’s Homelessness Statistics today again underline the scale of the challenge we face preventing and stopping homelessness. Woven th
The Salvation Army is calling for accurate measurement and reporting of rough sleeping to be introduced urgently in Scotland following the publication of the latest homelessness statistics today by the Scottish Government.
An innovative charity hub has created a purpose-built new HQ for one of Scotland’s most important organisations dedicated to ending homelessness. Cyrenians has already spent 25 years based in Norton Park in Edinburgh but was spread across several units in the former school, which is home to 21
The Supreme Court has granted permission to appeal for the petitioner and appellant in Glasgow City Council v X, a case that considered the extent of the statutory duty of councils to provide suitable temporary homeless accommodation that meets the assessed needs of homeless households.
Right There CEO Janet Haugh marks the homelessness charity's 200th anniversary with a look at the charity's journey and today's wider issues of homelessness and the housing crisis. Scotland’s housing crisis is intensifying. Three local authority areas have now declared themselves to be in a ho
As part of a series of planned visits, members of Aberdeen City Council's Anti-Poverty and Inequality Committee visited Aberdeen Cyrenians last week to hear from staff and volunteers.
A team of experts with personal and professional experience of homelessness is touring Scotland to find out what’s happening in services against a backdrop of unprecedented housing pressures. The All in For Change team will hold free events in Aberdeen, Greenock, Falkirk, Kirkcaldy and Clydeba
Glasgow City Health and Social Care Partnership has appointed Homeless Network Scotland to support the progression of its homelessness services against the backdrop of a housing emergency.
A hard-hitting report published today has outlined five key priorities to radically improve support for women facing homelessness, addiction and involvement with the criminal justice system in the UK.
Midlothian Council has partnered with the charity Rock Trust to better support young people with housing issues.
North Ayrshire debt, welfare and housing advice charity CHAP has stepped up its Living Wage credentials and is urging others to get involved in its work. The dedicated homelessness-prevention charity has recently committed to being not just an accredited Living Wage employer but has also achiev