The Salvation Army is calling on the UK Government to scrap the planned freeze on Local Housing Allowance (LHA) to help prevent homelessness in Scotland as new figures for 2024 reveal an increase in applications for the fourth year running. Figures released yesterday show that from 1 April to 30 Sep
More than 10,000 children are living in temporary accommodation across Scotland after an increase of 6% over a period of 12 months, new figures have revealed.
Support Services are the last resort for the thousands of people represented (and the hundreds not represented) in today’s homelessness statistics. But they are at risk. Cyrenians director of services, Amy Hutton responds to the worsening homelessness crisis and makes the case for investment i
Social care provider, national charity and Registered Social Landlord Blue Triangle has kicked off its 50th anniversary by launching a podcast. ‘A Voice in the Dark’ shines a light on the people Blue Triangle supports and the staff making a difference on the front line. Founded in 1975,
Researchers at the University of Dundee, in partnership with NHS Education for Scotland, are leading training for oral health professionals who support people who are homeless or in prison. People in these circumstances face many challenges in accessing oral healthcare, says lead research programmer
A 12-year-old schoolgirl from Glasgow has designed a solar-powered heated blanket that aims to help address the impact of homelessness in the UK. Rebecca Young, an S2 pupil at Kelvinside Academy, created the innovative design as part of the UK Primary Engineer competition, where she triumphed over 7
Additional funding likely to come to Scotland as a result of a UK government boost to the Rough Sleeping Fund in England must be passed on in full to support those local authorities facing the greatest homelessness pressures in Scotland, Shelter Scotland has said. The UK Government has tripled money
Fife Council is appealing for people with a spare room to take part in a scheme providing in-home accommodation and support to young people who are leaving care or facing homelessness.
A Glasgow-based fashion brand has teamed up with Homeless Project Scotland to launch a new scheme to help support people experiencing homelessness this winter.
A vital community space based in Nicholson Square in Edinburgh, which serves 150-200 people experiencing homelessness every week, is facing closure today after unexpectedly being served an eviction notice.
Scottish outdoor clothing manufacturer The Ootsider is to step up its help for people who are homeless after being awarded £40,000 grant funding from First Port.
A new model of care and support for homeless people in Inverclyde has been agreed by the Inverclyde Health and Social Care Partnership. The move towards a community-based approach comes after significant research, planning and consultation and will have a primary focus on early intervention and prev
West Lothian Council is set to submit its final update to its Rapid Rehousing Transition Plan (RRTP) to the Scottish Government, providing an update on efforts to transition to a rapid rehousing approach in the area.
The Scottish Government has been urged to set out fresh plans to tackle homelessness after new research found that 52,363 people were without a home at Christmas in 2023. A parliamentary question submitted by the Scottish Liberal Democrats revealed that on 25th December 2023, there were 30,557 live
UHI Inverness students spent seven days working for free to redecorate a charity-owned home in Inverness that will house a new tenant with special care needs. The NPA Painting and Decorating students and their lecturer Jordan Bryceland painted the entire interior of the two-bedroomed house owned by