This is part two of a two-part blog series (see part one), in which Nicky Imrie of OurStory Scotland presents various stories from the OurStory Scotland archive, which recount LGBTQIA+ people’s experiences with home and housing.
The construction sector needs urgent leadership and support from the Scottish Government or proposed new standards could have negative consequences for the built environment and the nation’s most vulnerable households, writes Jocelyne Fleming – policy and public affairs officer Scotland
Nicky Lloyd, head of ESPC Lettings, shares what comes after the end of The Tenancy Protection Act and what landlords in Scotland need to know about the changes. It’s certainly an interesting time to be a landlord or a tenant in Scotland, as the private rental sector faces a marked change in ci
Jimmy Black considers whether the social housing sector and the Scottish Government are effectively measuring the carbon cost of home improvements.
Duncan Smith, head of energy & sustainability at River Clyde Homes, details a pilot project being undertaken which aims to transition homes from fossil fuels while reducing fuel poverty.
In part one of a two-part blog series, Nicky Imrie of OurStory Scotland gives a background on her own experiences and outlines how oral histories can be a useful tool for understanding LGBTQIA+ people’s housing experiences. OurStory Scotland is an LGBTQIA+ community-led, voluntary and charitab
C~urb PSL graduate trainee Lara Turner shares some insights into her role and how it has helped her begin her housing career. Management facilitates you to work on different teams that align with your interests and the business needs.
CaCHE knowledge exchange fellow Dr Gareth Young reflects on LGBT History Month and the work still required to make housing accessible for all. Last month marked LGBT History Month which began back in 1994 in the USA by high school teacher Rodney Wilson who was teaching about the Nazis, and he reveal
Collaborative Centre for Housing Evidence director Kenneth Gibb outlines why there is a shortage of affordable student homes and what can be done.
Jimmy Black is looking for credible solutions to Scotland's housing emergency and wants SHN readers to help.
Grampian Housing Association Group CEO Craig Stirrat reflects on last week's Housing Festival which saw CIH Scotland declare a Scotland-wide housing emergency. At last week’s Housing Festival, there was significant coverage of CIH Scotland’s warning that homelessness plans were
In the run-up to the Scottish Home Awards 2024, Lorna Cameron, CEO of Horizon Housing Association, says organisations pioneering accessible and inclusive housing hold the key to a more equal and sustainable housing future. A quiet but remarkable revolution is underway as new homes spring up across S
Shelter Scotland, who acted on behalf of the appellants in the case of Manson and Downie v Turner and Turner, highlights the significance of the Upper Tribunal's decision in relation to the correct approach to assessing reasonableness specifically in relation to ground 1 and the
Ahead of International Women's Day (8 March), Cruden director Hazel Davies discusses progress made in the sector and some of the strengths of women at work. In the lead-up to International Women's Day, it’s a good time to step back and reflect on the positive changes sweeping through trad
Craig Sanderson reflects on two recent Scottish Parliamentary sessions on housing and encourages discussion at the CIH Scotland Housing Festival starting today. “For as long as we continue to regard a house as a commodity to be traded for personal profit rather than a place to live then w