Scottish Ministers are recruiting two new members to the Scottish Housing Regulator’s Board to replace members whose terms will end in March 2019. George Walker, chair of the Scottish Housing Regulator, said: “This is an excellent opportunity to influence the shape of social housing regulation.
Scottish Housing Regulator
Social landlords must take immediate action to ensure their sites and pitches meet the minimum site standards set by the Scottish Government, a new Scottish Housing Regulator report has found. The report on social landlords’ progress towards the Scottish Government’s minimum site standards shows
Ian Brennan The Scottish Housing Regulator has ended its statutory intervention at Antonine Housing Association following its transfer to Caledonia Housing Association.
George Walker The Scottish Housing Regulator is considering the introduction of Annual Assurance Statements for local authorities and RSLs as it consults on proposals for how it regulates social housing in Scotland.
The Scottish Housing Regulator has ended its statutory intervention at Ferguslie Park Housing Association following a period of “significant progress”. The Regulator initially made a statutory appointment of a manager and three appointees to the governing body in February 2016 after it identifie
The Scottish Housing Regulator has published its annual report and accounts for 2017/18. The report gives the highlights of the work the Regulator did last year to safeguard and promote the interests of tenants, homeless people and others who use the services of social landlords.
George Walker As the Scottish Housing Regulator gears up to launch a consultation on its new Regulatory Framework this month, chair George Walker gives a brief update.
Michael Cameron Scottish Housing Regulator chief executive Michael Cameron provides an update on meeting stakeholders to discuss the new regulatory framework.
Michael Cameron The Scottish Housing Regulator has said its proposals for its new regulatory framework will aim to support RSL governing body members, recognising their important role and unique contribution to the sector.
HouseMark Scotland has launched an updated version of the Scottish Social Housing Charter interactive comparison tool, using the annual return data published by the Scottish Housing Regulator. Available across the sector, the tool allows users to view social landlords’ performance over five ye
Helen Moore The Glasgow and West of Scotland Forum of Housing Associations (GWSF) has written to Housing Minister Kevin Stewart to raise the alarm over a "recent trend" of community-based housing associations being taken over by larger regional or national associations following statutory interventi
George Walker Scottish social landlords continue to show strong performance across most of the standards and outcomes of the Scottish Social Housing Charter, a new Scottish Housing Regulator report has found.
Wilma Strang A care worker has resigned from her position as vice-chair at Wellhouse Housing Association after being struck off by the Scottish Social Services Council (SSSC) for assaulting an elderly resident at a care home.
The Scottish Housing Regulator has used its statutory powers to appoint a manager to Thistle Housing Association after an independent review identified failures to meet regulatory standards of governance and financial management. Five statutory appointments have also been made to the Association’s
The Scottish Housing Regulator is to engage with Abertay Housing Association to gain assurance about its governance and financial management, its planned development programme and its medium term financial position. The Regulator has been engaging with Abertay about a number of notifiable events whi